Veteran Trade after first hit

Forum Forums Discussion Veteran Trade after first hit

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 6 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #7055

    I’m frequently using miqo for spearfishing and was highly looking forward to veteran trade implementation, but it seems to only work on the very first swing. Could we get an option for # of swings before VT is disabled?

    e.g. I’m fishing snow crab, and VTing Regal Silversides which have a very high catch rate. But if it isn’t the very first fish it doesn’t trade out, which leaves me with tons of garbage fish I don’t want, as well as a ton of excess GP.

    It is doing this:
    Hit 1: Black Boxfish
    Hit 2: Regal Silverside
    Hit 3: Regal Silverside
    Hit 4: Regal Silverside

    When I want this:
    Hit 1: Black Boxfish
    Hit 2: Regal Silverside(VT)
    Hit 3-4 Box/Crab

    With VT currently how it is set up I am almost ALWAYS sitting at max GP because I’m missing a ton of viable VTs


    Yes, this has been already discussed in Patch 4.3 Status thread.

    • If node has 4 attempts in total, Miqobot will use Veteran Trade only after 1st hit.
    • If node has 5 attempts in total, Miqobot will use Veteran Trade after 1st or 2nd hit.
    • If node has 6 attempts in total, Miqobot will use Veteran Trade after 1st, 2nd, or 3rd hit.

    We agreed to implement an additional option to apply Veteran Trade after 2nd hit for 4 attempts as well.

    However, we still don’t understand the reasoning behind your choice of fish.
    According to FF14Angler database, Black Boxfish and Regal Silverside have the same catch rate of 38.5%: The Adventure
    We expected that our users would select both of these fish for Veteran Trade, since they are only interested in Snow Crab.

    Would you please explain, why do you select only one fish for Veteran Trade?


    Thanks for the information.

    I missed the status thread I guess. I’m only doing Regal Silversides because I believe the angler database is wrong. They show the same information for Sui no Sato Regal Silversides/Little Dragonfish, and in my experience that is extremely incorrect and the Regals have almost double the catch rate of dragonfish. This could be completely biased from my experience but personally, I don’t believe those ratios very much.

    VTing both types of fish for now is probably the best workaround though. Thank you for the update.


    Now it makes sense 🙂
    We assumed that our users would always follow the publicly available statistics, and that was our mistake. But of course, in order to maximize player experience a setting to customize number of hits for Veteran Trade is necessary.

    Thank you for your feedback very much!

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