Update DRK Level 90 Rotation for Holminster

Forum Forums Discussion Update DRK Level 90 Rotation for Holminster

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by CountChocula001 CountChocula001 1 year, 10 months ago.

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    Is there a guide/link on this forum that helps newbies understand how to edit some of the presets? I’d like to update the DRK rotation to include the level 90 skill shadowbringers as it doesn’t get used at all and is big DPS.

    When I look in the miqo file folder on my PC, I see .miqo files, so I’m wondering if anyone knows which hosts the Squadron combat rotations. I’m pretty savy and think I can figure out how to do it, if I see the existing setup. I completely understand the Ukraine situation and am happy to try and make this small modification myself if we’re allowed.

    If not, let me know why and I’ll continue to happily make due with what we have now.


    Rotations are not presets so you wont find them in .miqo files. They are hardcoded in the application. The war started before Miqo team had the chance to add level 90 skills support. So it might take a while.

    Perhaps you can trick Miqo into using that skill by creating a custom macro and assigning an icon that Miqo clicks naturally. Havent tried it myself but ive seen other people do it.


    That absolutely worked, thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

    For those of you looking, I found this post with a forum search: https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/yet-again-which-jobs-work-best/

    And am using this macro and the button is getting hit regularly now:

    /micon “Hard Slash”
    /merror off
    /ac “Shadowbringer” <t>
    /ac “Hard Slash” <t>

    Happy for any commentary on if I’m doing it right but at least I can confirm both stacks of shadowbringer is getting used now!

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