Unfortunately yes, Miqobot does include such feature 🙂
You may encounter it more often than you would like to.
- When you change settings for Sit or Rod Light while fishing, Miqobot may hit those icons more than once under specific conditions.
- In Chocobo Racing, Miqobot will try to follow the waypoints as accurate as possible, but due to lag and server side movement calculation it is impossible to match them precisely.
- In Minigames, Miqobot’s aiming capabilities highly depend on your ingame FPS. And so on.
This is happening because Miqobot only emulates keystrokes and does not use any code injections.
So yes, technically speaking it may be considered a safe implementation of the bot, as it is far from perfection.
However, the issues that arise from this method can be frustrating sometimes.
You can find some of them in our Patch Notes threads:
Miqobot v1.2.4 – Known Issues
But we are doing our best to prevent them from affecting you gaming experience.