You can try. You need to preset your duty finder settings. Then you need to write parts for:
– rejoining the instance
– fighting the mob
– leaving the duty
– desync / repair / materia extract, whatever you wish to do, before the next instance.
The most complex part would probably be the fighting. You need to create a navigation grid for the arena. Move around, predict at which time stuff could happen. Write ingame macros to execute your rotation, like:
/ac "GCD 1" <wait.3>
/ac "GCD 2" <wait.3>
/ac "oGCD 1" <wait.1>
/ac "GCD 3" <wait.3>
and activate them in a Scenario with for example:
afkFor(00:00:40) //macro duration
Instead of afking the whole macro, you might also move around and afk later for smaller amounts of time. A job which isn’t a caster or melee, makes the creation of the combat part much easier.
Make multiple such macros for maybe Burst, normal single rotation, AoE, if you need to. Then go in and try them out, see if you can reliably time things with your dmg output, from the macros.