(Scenario) 6.01 Legendary Nodes

Forum Forums Grids and Presets (Scenario) 6.01 Legendary Nodes

This topic contains 25 replies, has 19 voices, and was last updated by  imlazy 3 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #33899

    (haha i originally put this is the wrong place WHOOPS)

    Timed Scenario for all 6 legendary nodes, automatically collects the following:

    -Rime Dolomite
    -Rhodium Sand
    -Lunar Adamantite Ore
    -Mempisang Logs
    -Golden Cocoons
    -Double-edged Herbs

    No automatic usage of SB pots or food, but should be easy to put in anywhere the user wishes to or just use manually.
    Default set to repeat 99 times.
    Don’t judge me for my grids I know they’re awful but they work.

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    Hi, kinda new to Miqo, but when I try running the scenario it keeps telling me to switch between hotbars 1/10 and doesn’t actually do anything, is there a specific setup I need?


    im not too sure but it sounds like you may not have teleport, repair or materia extraction on your bar. If this is the case you can hit default P to open your Actions and Traits, and place them by dragging and dropping from the “General Tab”.

    lemme know if this worked, i didnt get any errors or shuffling hotbars and id like to fix it if possible



    The +1 attempt, does it fire off Eureka?


    man i wish it did, but i dont think Wise to the World is implemented in the bot yet. Or at the very least i didnt see it when i made the rotation



    nevermind 😉 81+



    Hi, kinda new to Miqo, but when I try running the scenario it keeps telling me to switch between hotbars 1/10 and doesn’t actually do anything, is there a specific setup I need?

    Make sure to keybind your hotbar switches, its under the system tab I believe.



    I’m trying to figure out a way to just use sendKey instead, as all of the abilities are bound to hotbar, but the “gathering” portion clicking on UI, I don’t think there’s a command for that?



    It could be done using numbpad commands. I don’t know if its worth it. You could just use yield +2 and bounty 2 since those are working in gathering.

    You would spirit bound slower but get more materials. Depends on your goals.



    You can also use /micon to ‘fake’ an older ability from 5.x and insert a level 81+ ability we learned from this expansion.

    Here’s an example of one I used last expansion.

    /micon “Field Mastery III”
    /ac “Pick Clean”

    /micon “Sharp Vision III”
    /ac “Pick Clean”

    Just switch Pick Clean for the actual skill you want in macro, then add Sharp/Field III to your miqobot rotation.



    But Miqo says it doesnt have enough GP to do the whole rotation, which speells is on the list i could use that doesnt cost GP so i can put it into the rotation?



    So I was running this scenario last night and it was going smooth until this happened:

    (7:17:00 AM) Adventure calls! I have to travel far away. (Grid: ‘6.01 Leg Rhodium Sand’, Waypoint: 23)
    (7:17:00 AM) Going from 2 to 23 in 16 trips.
    (7:17:04 AM) 15 trips more..
    ****14 to 1 trips more here**** cutout to save space
    (7:17:37 AM) 1 trip more..
    (7:17:37 AM) Destination reached!
    (7:17:39 AM) Gathering started.
    (7:17:39 AM) Max node count: 1
    (7:17:39 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:17:39 AM) I see a shiny node at (-399.534485, -710.887329, 330.116211).
    (7:17:39 AM) Going from 23 to 25 in 2 trips.
    (7:17:40 AM) 1 trip more..
    (7:17:51 AM) Sorry, can’t dismount 🙁
    (7:17:51 AM) Destination reached!
    (7:17:52 AM) Ummm. I don’t see any sparkles here 🙁
    (7:17:59 AM) I give up – can’t find that gathering node 🙁
    (7:18:00 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:18:00 AM) I see a shiny node at (-399.534485, -710.887329, 330.116211).
    (7:18:00 AM) Going from 25 to 25 in 1 trips.
    (7:18:00 AM) 1 trip more..
    (7:18:11 AM) Sorry, can’t dismount 🙁
    (7:18:11 AM) Destination reached!
    (7:18:18 AM) I give up – can’t find that gathering node 🙁
    (7:18:18 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:18:18 AM) I see a shiny node at (-399.534485, -710.887329, 330.116211).
    (7:18:19 AM) Going from 25 to 25 in 1 trips.
    (7:18:19 AM) 1 trip more..
    (7:18:29 AM) Sorry, can’t dismount 🙁
    (7:18:29 AM) Destination reached!
    (7:18:37 AM) I give up – can’t find that gathering node 🙁
    (7:18:37 AM) This node is just bugged, I see no reason coming back here. Blacklisted. :3
    (7:18:37 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:18:52 AM) I sense something far away (-399, -710)… But that node is blacklisted!
    (7:18:52 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:19:12 AM) I sense something far away (-399, -710)… But that node is blacklisted!
    (7:19:12 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:19:18 AM) Uh oh, compass is BROKEN :/ I should slow down spamming it.
    (7:19:18 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:19:32 AM) I sense something far away (-399, -710)… But that node is blacklisted!
    (7:19:32 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:21:33 AM) I sense something far away (-399, -710)… But that node is blacklisted!
    (7:21:33 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:26:34 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:31:34 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:36:34 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:41:34 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:46:34 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:51:34 AM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.*
    (7:51:44 AM) I see a shiny node at (-390.292206, -713.666016, 329.772888).
    (7:51:44 AM) Going from 25 to 24 in 3 trips.
    (7:51:46 AM) 2 trips more..
    (7:51:47 AM) 1 trip more..
    (7:51:48 AM) Destination reached!
    (7:51:48 AM) Ummm. I don’t see any sparkles here 🙁
    (7:51:49 AM) Ummm. I don’t see any sparkles here 🙁
    (7:51:51 AM) Selecting slot -> 2
    (7:51:53 AM) Using action: (Start)
    (7:51:53 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:51:56 AM) Using action: (+1 Attempt)
    (7:51:58 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:52:02 AM) Using action: (+1 Attempt)
    (7:52:04 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:52:07 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:52:10 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:52:13 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:52:16 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:52:19 AM) Using action: (Hit Once)
    (7:52:23 AM) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (7:52:24 AM) My precious shiny sparkles! (1/1)
    (7:52:24 AM) Woot-woot!
    (7:52:24 AM) I got loads of sparkles in my pockets!
    (7:52:24 AM) Guess it’s time to rest for a bit 🙂
    (7:52:24 AM) Everything is gathered!
    (7:52:24 AM) (SCENARIO) Chapter 9 complete.
    (7:52:25 AM) Teleporting to: ‘Anagnorisis’
    (7:52:36 AM) Successfully teleported to ‘Anagnorisis’. :3
    (7:52:38 AM) I am ‘Botanist’ now! :3
    (7:52:39 AM) Left to materialize: 3
    (7:52:45 AM) Left to materialize: 2
    (7:52:51 AM) Left to materialize: 1
    (7:53:01 AM) Materia extraction complete :3
    (7:53:02 AM) All gear repaired ^_^
    (7:53:03 AM) AFK until: 18:05et (2386 seconds)

    Which ended up stalling it for 30 mins and throwing off the timing, resulting me in having to wait 30+ mins in the next chapter, and then getting logged out for afk timer. Does anyone know what happened here? Seems strange because I ran the same chapter the next day and it was fine.



    I think the issue was Waypoint 23, which was right above the rock for this scenario. The waypoint is directly above a jagged rock, making the dismount bugged. I believe moving Waypoint 23 should fix it but I’m not sure. Need further testing.

    Also, for people who wish to use +1 attempt and the new Wise to the World simply just switch to macro gathering by ticking the macro button in the preset and putting in “num0, num0, 1, 2, num0, num0, 1, 2, num0, num0, num0, num0, num0, num0”. Overwrite each preset to use this macro and then put the +1 attempt bound to 1 and Wise to the World on 2. Then in the actual scenario, you need to delete the 2nd last line that says selectGatherRotation(6.01 Legendary) in each chapter. Hope this helps.



    Hi, I’m kinda new to this. May I ask if it is normal that you have to re-enter your catnip license and import the scenario everytime you use it?



    Do you have a fix for the waypoint? I am having the same problem there. Thanks

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