Request: Recommended gear

Forum Forums Discussion Request: Recommended gear

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Miyo-two 3 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #30542


    I really wish there is a “change to recommended gear option” in Scenario function,

    for example, recommendedgear() in scenario would change your gear to recommended one.
    and we can use this to craft a recipe from lvl20~lvl40 -> change to recommended gear -> craft another recipe all the way to 60 etc.
    similarly. we can use this to level dps class too.

    It shouldn’t be that hard to implement, but would make leveling scenarios wayyyyy smoother.

    I know there is a work around that uses numpad,
    but it sometimes doesn’t work in the background(low fps) (unless you set the delay to much higher value),
    and its just… pathetic to input so many numpad lines in the scenario

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by  Miyo-two.

    Yes, this feature is already planned.
    You can find it among the planned functions for Scenario Engine.

    During the recent voting period our community has voted in favor of Quality-of-Life updates, so they will be implemented first:
    Voting (June 2 – June 9, 2021)

    Thank you for your request!



    thats nice to hear!

    if possible, Id suggest having a parameter on the function that check our player’s level.

    for example, recommendedgear(64) means changing to recommended gear when we reach level 64

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