[Request] Fishing Double Hook Time Range

Forum Forums Discussion [Request] Fishing Double Hook Time Range

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by warriorgriffinheart warriorgriffinheart 3 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #29165

    Heya, so I’ve been doing some fishing and I think it would be really helpful if I could set a minimum/maximum timing for Double Hook.

    Current Functionality to DH all of a certain size:
    setFishDoubleHookTug( value )

    Proposition: DH all of a certain size after min seconds
    setFishDoubleHookTug( value, min)

    Proposition: DH all of a certain size after min seconds until max seconds
    setFishDoubleHookTug( value, min, max )

    The scenario where this is helpful for me is that I’m trying to catch Artisinal fish in Diadem, namely Artisinal Sweatfish which has a small tug and appears after 14s. I would like to only double hook after 14s and ignore/not DH fish before 14s.


    Yes, this feature has been requested, along with other improvements: Fishing wishlist
    Some of them have already been implemented and additional options for advanced fishing are planned in the future.

    Thank you for your request!


    Glad to hear!

    In case anyone is interested, here is how I got my desired effect with the current features using in-game macros:

    Cast Macro:

    /micon Cast
    /hotbar copy FSH 4 FSH 1
    /ac Cast <wait.13>
    /e 13 seconds passed....
    /hotbar copy FSH 5 FSH 1

    Hook Macro:

    /micon Hook
    /ac "Double Hook"
    /ac Hook

    I copied my original main hotbar to 4, then on hotbar 5 I put both macros, and set both to hidden. Hotbar resets to original on cast, then swaps to other hotbar with macro’d Double Hook (regular Hook icon and fallback).

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