Request: Can someone plz help me with diadem preset?

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Request: Can someone plz help me with diadem preset?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ffxivnewbiebot 3 years, 12 months ago.

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    I have absolutely no idea how to use this bot and I’m really discouraged after reading all I could to try and figure it out, including the diadem thread.
    I just want to mine in the Diadem. Level 80 mats (not expert) and shoot mining mobs and use cordials and whatever skills to get the most mats. Can anyone please help me or teach me what to do on discord? 🙁


    What exactly have you tried before you got discouraged? Heres what you have to do.

    1. Download a scenario.
    2. Click Share > Import > Select a file.
    3. Switch to scenario tab.
    4. Click start.



    So I figured out how to import. The more issue I’m having now is what scenario to use that is best, I just chose the first/main one from back in November on that diadem thread but it doesnt use my cordials even though I have it checked off and it and im not sure how to edit for specific mob kills or how to get it to even kill the mobs. I guess its not hugely important.

    I do wonder though, is it better to run this at night time? Because the way this preset is, it doesnt use the tornados and does some weird flying straight up into the air before switching direction. I feel like im gonna get clocked

    Are there other diadem presets? this whole thing is new to me

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by  dragonroll.

    Hmm id love to help but honestly ive no idea which thread youre talking about. There were quite a few back in November. Why not just post these questions in the thread directly? If the author is still around chances are he can help you.



    Do you mean this diadem?

    This has been working great, to be honest. And I had run it multiple times reaching the cap (Skybuilder Scrip) and doing it all over again.

    You should check it out again as there have been many iterations, and update to the scenario. And you should back read to get the idea of what are the changes made, as for your post, which has been answered multiple times.

    1. Filtering your setup for your select mats, not unless they are still locked behind the content.
    2. Diadem Blast is noted on the first page, waypoints for the target.
    3. Cordial use – probably not tick on the gathering setup.
    4. For skill usage, some of them are still not implemented, Yield +2, and +1 are still the viable options.

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