random crashes

Forum Forums Discussion random crashes

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  ragedskeleton 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hello there, after the recent update I am now experiencing random crashes seemingly out of nowhere. Anyone else or anything I can try?

    A few changes that I noticed after the update is my AV is now detecting miqoradar.exe and miqobot.exe so I whitelisted those and replaced the main .exe file. I also use two instances of Miqo on two clients.

    One thing that happens lately as well is that when miqobot crashes, it forgets my catnip license and makes me re-enter it.

    Not sure if me using two instances (in two separate folders) has anything to do with it or what. Any help/feedback is appreciated, thanks



    I exported my important grids and what not and tried just creating a whole brand new folder. So far so good on this instance of it.. Will keep the thread posted if this doesnt fix it.

    Not sure if maybe one of the files inside got messed up or what. Fingers crossed!



    Took some time but eventually did crash again. Mainly been gathering with it using a nav grid I made fresh. Any ideas? 🙁 No errors or indication of why it crashes, simply just shuts down.


    This issue usually indicates that your antivirus has interfered with Miqobot application and terminated it.
    Miqobot does not contain any algorithms that would close the application without user consent. And if there is a crash, she always displays an error message before closing. If the application simply shuts down, it means there was no crash, and this problem can only be caused by third party interference.

    Please make sure that you have whitelisted all Miqobot files in your antivirus.
    If it still doesn’t help, then there could be another security application installed. You can use a special tool called Process Monitor to identify what applications are interacting with Miqobot.


    Process Monitor helped one of our users in the past. He managed to discover an unwanted antivirus installation on his PC which was causing problems, so it might help you as well.
    Please read the following thread for more information and for instructions on how to use it: Slight Problem



    thanks a lot for your reply Miqo —

    I reinstalled my AV (webroot) and rewhitelisted the files, that seemed to do the trick. Not sure what the deal with WR was to bug out like that as for years it hasn’t been an issue. But yeah reinstall/rewhitelist fixed it, sorry for the false alarm there. Have a great day

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