Question: Location Effect

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Question: Location Effect

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by PlayerUnknown PlayerUnknown 6 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #6519

    Hey, This is my first post/question. I’ve searched (possibly not using the right terminology) but is there a way for miqo to know if a node has Special Conditions/Bonus. An example would be +1 Yield or Gathering Fortune % up. I ask because I can’t seem to find and setting for it. A Scenario example would be:

    if (Gathering Fortune Up)
    Use Yield +2
    if (Gathering Rate UP)
    Don’t Use Sharp Vision
    if (Gathering Attempt +2)
    Use Gather rotation that uses Deep Vigor

    These are just really generic examples as im terrible at programming but i think you might understand what i mean 😀
    The only thing even remotely close to a conditional that i could find would be in Scenario with rotationIfGp() but that is only regards to GP.

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