Question About Beacons

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Question About Beacons

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  miqoai52 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Could someone explain how beacons work to me? Because I can’t figure it out and they seem to be the only way to ignore ephemerals. I tried looking through some of the grids people have put up here but they all have the same problem I have: the bot will hit a beacon and keep traveling, then head to a nearby gather area, but instead of dismounting to gather it instead flies back to the beacon it already passed through, and picks a new gathering area. The problem I have with this is that ignoring the fact that it wastes time, it looks extremely suspicious; literally anyone looking at you could tell it’s a bot since there’s a lot of unnecessary flying back and forth without stopping to gather. I’ve made grids that literally look absolutely perfect – no one would ever know it’s a bot – but that’s using “use compass”, which doesn’t let you ignore ephemerals.

    What I expected they would do is: you reach the beacon, bot then picks the closest gathering node and gathers. What’s happening: I hit a beacon, bot flies down to the closest gathering node, then flies back to the beacon without gathering and heads to a different gathering node to gather there.


    Most likely it happens because the grid youre trying is badly connected. If the bot backtracks then theres a design error in the navigation path. For example there may be a duplicate waypoint disconnected from the beacon which forces the bot to fly around in unnatural way. If you do it correctly it will work exactly like you expect – hit a beacon, pick a gathering node, gather.

    This thread is probably the best explanation you can find:



    you shouldnt have any nodes close enough to the ephemeral to be linked to it. or you can put Lv. 25 Rocky Outcrop or whatever it is in the filter in the gathering preset so it ignores the ephemeral.

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