Problems gathering, character freaking out

Forum Forums Discussion Problems gathering, character freaking out

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #34808


    Hello, i’m having some weird issues when gathering that i’ve tried to find solutions to in the forums without luck.

    I’m having issues with the bot litteraly freking out and making my character rapidly “shaking” back and forth (like if you where spamming left and right keys so he “wobbles” in-game making it *very* suspicios.

    This is my setup and what i’ve tried so far:
    Not sure if it has to do with me running 1 4k screen at 150% scaling and another 1080 screen at 100% (dpi issue?) it can usually do 2-3 nodes and then it just freaks out.

    i’m folling these guidelines and using what settings are recomended:

    – I’ve tried setting the scale on both my screens to 100%, did not work.
    – Running ff14 in windowed mode with borders.
    – Latest version of windows, Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1415]
    – I usually run with FFXIVlauncher but i also tried launching it via steam with the regular launcher to rule *that* out, same thing.

    – I’ve tried making an *extremly* basic route and also with some of the community made route for farming, same result with both.
    – Debug windows does not say anything about it.
    – Also tried unpluggning the monitors, one at a time just to rule out that there could be something weird doing on with having 2 monitors.

    should enable quick gather be on? seems to do it in both modes.

    Some other question, what exactly does “slot” mean in gathering nodes? not sure i found anything about it in the docs, count is likely how many nodes the bot does before it’s finnished, right? Or is it “things” it gathers?
    (EDIT: i guess it means the slot in the node of the thing you want to farm, from 1-8) also gather by name is “*”

    So today i’ve gathered about 500 lightning shards while troubleshooting, unfun experiance 🙁

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  gurkburk76.

    This issue usually indicates that there is a keybind conflict in your game settings.
    You can find the detailed explanation of this problem in our Keybinds and Icons Recognition guide.

    Our Tech Support can analyze your keybind mappings and identify the exact cause.
    If you require technical assistance, please contact us directly:



    Yeah seems like it did not works all tha good with a modifier on those keys, rebounded them and it seems fine now.
    Now i need to figure out some roundabout way of farming skins with hit. It could prove usefull if you could implement something like hit keys 1-2-3 on position or marker x if mob y or z is targetet and loop that until it’s dead and then move on 🙂


    There is no such feature in Miqobot at the moment, but our community has designed a few workarounds.
    You can find them in this section:
    Macro Combat

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