Please Read the Stickies First Before Posting

Forum Forums Discussion Please Read the Stickies First Before Posting

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Borelia 3 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #33767


    I come here every so often to check the the status. It’s not hard to see what is going on. But, you still have people asking the SAME questions…is it down? When? Will my sub still be active, etc. There’s ONLY two posts that you need to check:

    The status (Updates to the current state of Miqo):

    The Road Map (When things will be working again):

    PLEASE STOP ASKING THE SAME QUESTIONS. The posts stickied. There’s not a lot of threads for you to miss it.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  khmmiqobot.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  khmmiqobot.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  khmmiqobot.
    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  khmmiqobot.

    Dont worry too much. It wont help. Theres a big green button PLEASE READ THIS on the main page which links to the status thread, even two of them. Theres buttons and links everywhere on the forum. And it still doesnt help.

    Some people just have to ask no matter what. Maybe they dont believe what they read idk.



    To piggy back off of this – this is more for Lyfox as Ive been on this forum for a long time and long time supporter of Miqo.

    I wonder if moving the “We do not accept payments during maintenance. READ THIS” section to the top of the landing page.

    I work in IT myself and a lot of the times I have users that never do their own research – and as I went to the home page/landing page you have to scroll down (depending on your resolution of course) to even see the message.

    In no way am I saying this is important to do. People SHOULD do research and make an effort before just asking out right to bypass info that is already there.

    Given that the information is lower on the page – most people probably just go to the forum link because they dont see the “read this” since it is lower on the page and not initially showing. If that makes sense. Just an idea to try and keep from more headaches from people who dont make some kind of effort ya know.

    As always – thank you to all the mods/devs for what you do with Miqo. Absolute legends.

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