Patch 3.45 – Miqobot Status

Forum Forums Discussion Patch 3.45 – Miqobot Status

This topic contains 32 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  trial 8 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #2572

    @Miqobot small issue in the current beta – Black Pegasus is not being recognized as a mount.

    (10:31:40 PM) Sorry, can’t mount – no mounts found on hotbar 🙁

    Thank you for reporting!
    Black Pegasus support, along with Sophic Lanner and Arrhidaeus, will be added in the full release of Miqobot.


    I tested the new PoTD radar the last few days, it’s great as expected, very useful. During my solo runs I triggered 3 traps that weren’t in the database yet, were these locations uploaded to the Miqobot servers? And will they be added in the next version, or are they re-downloaded periodically by Miqobot client?

    Yes, all triggered and all revealed traps are automatically uploaded to Traps server database.
    New information will appear only in the next version of Miqobot. The data is much more complex than it seems and it requires several stages of analysis, so an automated re-dowloading system would take a lot of effort to implement.

    One of the biggest issues is data reliability.
    All silver and exploding coffers spawn a trap effect just like usual traps (you may notice this if you enable Enemies in Advanced Settings). From the technical point of view they look exactly the same. We implemented several AI algorithms that analyze and filter them in order to avoid fake traps, but it’s impossible to perform this in real time. Therefore we decided to simplify the system to the point of static updates.
    And while the server processes new data, we focus on other features.

    Palace of the Dead activity is rather low at the moment. Over the last 7 days we received only +6% of new data.
    But you can be sure that newly obtained traps will make their way into the next version of Miqobot.

    There is one more thing to note though.
    Information obtained by Pomander of Sight is much more reliable than a simple trigger. So whenever possible, we kindly ask you to prioritize Pomanders of Sight over trying to discover traps manually.

    Thank you for your assistance and support very much!



    Just purchased a month subscription for Miqobot. Currently loving it. AFK MGP farming all day. : )

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