Labyrinth of the ancient needed?

Forum Forums Discussion Labyrinth of the ancient needed?

This topic contains 28 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Gray Gray 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #13811

    As the topic says:

    Is Labyrinth of the Ancient needed to get into SHadowbringers?



    Crystal tower has some nice lore, not needed I think.


    Raid content (even if it’s just easy alliance raid content) is never a requirement for story in FFXIV. It might just be additional lore fluss, just like when you have completed the Bahamut raid before Heavensward Alisae had some fluff talk about how she trusts Alphinaud after what happened in the Final Coil of Bahamut or like the Red Mage teacher calls you the hero and savior of Ala Mhigo, if you have completed the 4.0 MSQ before starting the job questline.

    The only thing that is required is, that you have completed the Stormblood Storyline until there are no MSQuests anymore.


    The only thing that is required is, that you have completed the Stormblood Storyline until there are no MSQuests anymore.

    Are you sure this is sane idea [for a botter]? I mean, right now you receive nothing for completion of 4.1+ quests; though, you have to waste a lot of time to gather stuff which allows you to enter ilvl-restricted dungeons. Oldbie players say that HW -> SB border did look like this too, but as soon as SB was out, SE added to old quests from 3.3 content (Causes and Costs & The Man Within) coffers with full sets of ilvl240 eq. Now I wonder: maybe it would be better idea to quest up as far as 4.2 and stop there? Following this pattern, they should add coffers with some nice stuff (ilvl340? maybe even 360?) to 4.3 quests (Gosetsu and Tsuyu+), for us to receive for free?


    To be able to access the Shadowbringers content you need to have beat all of Stormblood’s main story quests, including all the 4.x patch main story quests.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by steviejd steviejd.

    This is what I mean: stop at the last quest of 4.2 (Rise of a New Sun), wait until ShB comes out, complete the last 21 quests of SB+ plotline (takes a day or so I guess), receive free sets of ilvl340-360 stuff and enter ShB content? Should be better than farming current endgame eq, I guess (because more dungeous mean less coins on the wallet).


    The problem with doing it that way is that you are already behind other crafters/gatherers, even if it is a day or 2. The first week of an expansion is extremely profitable and the same again when the raid comes out in 2 and 4 weeks.

    Either way that doesn’t change the point that completion of the main story quests is needed to access Shadowbringers as Arc said 🙂


    Look at this video the last of the 7 tips

    this guy is usually a very well informed guy


    Look at this video the last of the 7 tips

    this guy is usually a very well informed guy

    In this case he is wrong. Yoshi P said that people may want to do Crystal Tower to understand some more of the lore stuff but other than that it is not required. If you look at the comments on that video there are people correcting him too.


    yes they do, you are right

    they say that you do have to do the questline but not the raids

    but anyhow we will see on friday 🙂


    Oldbie players say that HW -> SB border did look like this too, but as soon as SB was out, SE added to old quests from 3.3 content (Causes and Costs & The Man Within) coffers with full sets of ilvl240 eq. Now I wonder: maybe it would be better idea to quest up as far as 4.2 and stop there? Following this pattern, they should add coffers with some nice stuff (ilvl340? maybe even 360?) to 4.3 quests (Gosetsu and Tsuyu+), for us to receive for free?

    Yes, they’re propably adding i360 gear to some MSQuests of 4.X, but I don’t see the point.
    A botter at the end of the expansion can easily craft 1 set of (currently Rakshasa) gear (tbh the weapon and one armor would already be sufficient) and be good to instantly do content of the next expansion (where he automatically get new gear).

    Also, if you had to do all quests from 4.1 up to 4.5 you’d be wasting a huge amount of time, you could already be unlocking all Shadowbringers areas to farm stuff there and make enormous profits. There will be so many opportunities to make gil. Just to list the first that come to my mind you’re missing out by not being in Shadowbringers right away:

    * Selling new crafted items from Shadowbringers zones for completing levequests (they go away EXTREMELY expensive. I remember, that at the start of Stormblood I’ve spent about 30 million gil, just to level up 3 crafters. now multiply that by the people that also level their crafter jobs)
    * Selling new gathered materials from Shadowbringers zones

    Look at this video the last of the 7 tips this guy is usually a very well informed guy

    I repeat: You don’t have to complete either the 24-man raids, nor their storyline (where you’d only be able to complete the first quest anyway, because in order to complete the storyline you have to do the raids as well, since it’s always story>raid>story>raid>story>raid>story for alliance raids).

    Square Enix will never force their casual playerbase to complete any raid content. That’s a big no no and it would cause a huge outrage (especially when it’s about forcing players to do old content). All you need to have completed is the 4.5 story questline

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by Arc Arc.

    The problem with doing it that way is that you are already behind other crafters/gatherers, even if it is a day or 2.

    Doubt it… At least, I doubt that majority of FFXIV players is able to play 18 hours a day, like me 😉

    A botter at the end of the expansion can easily craft 1 set of (currently Rakshasa) gear (tbh the weapon and one armor would already be sufficient) and be good to instantly do content of the next expansion (where he automatically get new gear).

    Indeed. This would be my “last resort – to be used in case hopes for free eq fail”. I.e. in either case I’m not going to grind poetics, hehe…

    Also, if you had to do all quests from 4.1 up to 4.5 you’d be wasting a huge amount of time, you could already be unlocking all Shadowbringers areas to farm stuff there and make enormous profits.

    Oh, no way 🙂 I read dialogues in advance (from some guys blog) while Miqo grinds, then I just take manual control at evening, start doing MSQ and spamclick through everything – dialogues and cutscenes alike. Also, there is no point to leave 4.1 and 4.2 content incomplete: there will be no coffers anyway. That said, I did full quest chain of 4.2 in about 2 hours rl. Granted, there are no oblighatory dungeons… which would otherwise add one more hour per content. So, basically, 21 quests of 4.3-4.5 content + 3 dungeous should take like… 9 hours or so. Not really a problem, IMHO.

    Selling new crafted items from Shadowbringers zones for completing levequests (they go away EXTREMELY expensive.

    I believe, though… well, I’m not as interested in momentary profit of first days. What I’m really interested in is decent scenario for full time grind, which would work until next addon comes out (i.e. for 2 years) 🙂


    I doubt that majority of FFXIV players is able to play 18 hours a day, like me

    You have no idea.



    You have no idea.

    Some people go as far as calling in sick, hording food, pre finishing challenge logs, leves, alot of sidequests so they can rapid turn in, etc.

    All stuff I find overkill since you have like a full month just to enjoy MSQ and zones.


    Some people go as far as calling in sick, hording food, pre finishing challenge logs, leves, alot of sidequests so they can rapid turn in, etc.

    That’s what my entire FC of 46 people is doing. Some people in our FC are even preparing their meals and putting it in the fridge in advance, so tomorrow before the servers go live, they can place the food close to them so they don’t even have to stand up for anything, besides going to the bathroom.

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