Forum › Forums › Discussion › Just a snippet from a Yoshi-P interview. Miqo will shine bright like a diamond
This topic contains 34 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Gray 5 years, 8 months ago.
June 14, 2019 at 7:56 am #13433
Just posting this snippet here from a recent Yoshida interview. Miqobot will shine and I’m really chuckling and looking forward to it:
There will be a ranking system for the Ishgard restoration. He used the feast as an example and said there will be seasons for it.
Those who want rare titles and flashy primary tools will need to level their jobs first and then have the perfect gear and materia and then challange extremely difficult recipes.June 15, 2019 at 1:04 am #13445June 15, 2019 at 2:43 am #13446The only reason for Miqo to fail rakshasa is missing basic skills from hotbar. Which is a user error.
Miqobot will shine and I’m really chuckling and looking forward to it
Agree it will be amazing. One thing im worried about is that a ranking system essentially means pvp. Wouldnt want witch hunters to start blaming Miqo left and right.
June 15, 2019 at 3:24 am #13447The only reason for Miqo to fail rakshasa is missing basic skills from hotbar. Which is a user error.
Miqobot will shine and I’m really chuckling and looking forward to it
Agree it will be amazing. One thing im worried about is that a ranking system essentially means pvp. Wouldnt want witch hunters to start blaming Miqo left and right.
THere’s no way to tell if you’re using miqo in game tho
June 15, 2019 at 7:48 am #13460it sometimes fails to make even HQ Rakshasa
Miqobot can only fail (= no success at HQ) Rakshasa gear for two reasons:
1. Your stats are waaaay too low = You are doing it wrong. Miqo can do miracles in crafting, but no witchcraft with too low stats
2. You haven’t put all skills you can use on your hotbar = You’re doing it wrong. Put the effin skills on your hotbar. You don’t go boxing with chopped off hands eitherJune 15, 2019 at 1:49 pm #13462its very rare miqobot doesnt HQ for me.
ive blasted out loads of glade 3 infusions in the past with 0 HQ mats and they HQ 99% of the time non-specialist.
Rakshasa wasnt a problem when they first came out either, everything i needed HQ. Then eventually when i made more to sell i used lyfox crafting generator no issues.
If you have the stats on your crafting gear and the skills on the hotbar i dont see how anyone goes wrong with it.
honestly i rarely have a fail.
I’ve had her sit for hours using the scenario generator and come back to 500+ HQ pots and like 6 non HQ.June 15, 2019 at 3:02 pm #13463Miqobot can only fail (= no success at HQ) Rakshasa gear for two reasons:
1. Your stats are waaaay too low = You are doing it wrong. Miqo can do miracles in crafting, but no witchcraft with too low statsWell, look at attachment #1. This is my script to craft Hawk’s Eye Sand (exact stats are edited out to protect the innocent, but they are high enough, as you can see). Now I’ve just rechecked (while launching Miqo today, to make sure it is the last stable version) – I entrusted this task to Miqo: craft Sand out of NQ materials, but with a Specialist (!) crafter. It has to be absolutely fail-safe, if I manage it with a script, right? Ok, I can’t let it have progress in the end (or it’s going to calculate for 22 mins, which is unacceptable), nor I can allow it to use
ImpregnationInnovation, because of the same reason. Ok, look at the attachment #2: here is a variant with progress in the beginning and no Innovation. Still fail-safe, right? Well, now look at attachment #3… this is the way Miqo chose after 5 mins of “thinking”. So either I am doing something wrong, or Miqo is not for fail-safe endgame crafting, sorry… It didn’t even try to use Hasty Touch II, which brings way more quality per CP spent!Note: my gf is using Miqo to level up DoH skills of our second account, and she is quite happy with it. She is not really a mastermind here, though (I am). So yes, it works up to lvl70 (though I dunno yet how much calculation time is it going to take once our second char reaches lvl50 inter-class skills)… but lvl70*** and especially lvl70**** crafts are just completely another story.
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You must be logged in to view attached files.June 15, 2019 at 3:59 pm #13469I don’t know what your stats are, but I never ever have any problems with Miqo HQing even the hardest items which are the Rakshasa ones and the settings I’m using are always these:
And when I use it, it always only needs 5 minutes to calculate even the hardest recipes and has a 100% success rate.
My stats without food on my worst crafter (Weaver)(because I didn’t meld all the tools equally) has the following stats:
Craftsmanship: 1690
Control: 1729
CP: 482
And my best one (Goldsmith) has these stats:
Craftsmanship: 1726
Control: 1749
CP: 482June 15, 2019 at 4:44 pm #13473Ahha! So you actually start from a given “preset”, and then let Miqo calculate the rest? Or you just use HQ base materials?
P.S. EEEEKS! 1729 Control on the WORST class, and that’s w/o food? I’ve got about 1600 WITH food… Well then, no surprise that you get HQ Rakshasa out of NQ mats – but it’s not like everyone can invest THAT much millions into overmelds! Well-made script. on the other hand, allows you fail-safe HQ creation even with not more than a single overmeld on each item…
This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
June 15, 2019 at 5:16 pm #13476June 15, 2019 at 5:24 pm #13479I don’t know what your stats are, but I never ever have any problems with Miqo HQing even the hardest items which are the Rakshasa ones and the settings I’m using are always these:
And when I use it, it always only needs 5 minutes to calculate even the hardest recipes and has a 100% success rate.
My stats without food on my worst crafter (Weaver)(because I didn’t meld all the tools equally) has the following stats:
Craftsmanship: 1690
Control: 1729
CP: 482
And my best one (Goldsmith) has these stats:
Craftsmanship: 1726
Control: 1749
CP: 482I honestly think Im missing that magic “JP button” everyone else seems to have. Just ran miqo with the same settings, on my gsm that has around the same stats (1700/1700/481). And it NQ’d 5/5 crafts. The solver seemed to take a lot less than 5 minutes tho (1.7minutes going by what miqo estimated). All of the available actions were on the hotbar. That’s why I’d much much rather run my own macros than trust miqo with the solver ^^
I’ve got about 1600 WITH food… Well then, no surprise that you get HQ Rakshasa out of NQ mats – but it’s not like everyone can invest THAT much millions into overmelds! Well-made script. on the other hand, allows you fail-safe HQ creation even with not more than a single overmeld on each item…
Those arent stats you can achieve with “one single overmeld”. Most of those come from pentamelds I’d wager. Also, anyone invested in crafting is going to pentameld, or close to it.
June 15, 2019 at 5:47 pm #13483Ahha! So you actually start from a given “preset”, and then let Miqo calculate the rest? Or you just use HQ base materials?
P.S. EEEEKS! 1729 Control on the WORST class, and that’s w/o food? I’ve got about 1600 WITH food… Well then, no surprise that you get HQ Rakshasa out of NQ mats – but it’s not like everyone can invest THAT much millions into overmelds! Well-made script. on the other hand, allows you fail-safe HQ creation even with not more than a single overmeld on each item…
I’m not quite sure I understand how you could have a script that would be failsafe, unless you are crafting a lower level recipe. The fact is, you can fail quality increases. Miqo is at least watching for those opportunities to get you some CP back or increase quality with a bonus which is really the only thing besides RNG that will determine if you can HQ with your current stats.
Also if I recall correctly, in your questions about RMT, this was mentioned multiple times, how expensive necessary overmelding a crafter would be and you were not worried about the 1-4 million per job that Arc had estimated.
June 15, 2019 at 5:53 pm #13484That’s why I’d much much rather run my own macros than trust miqo with the solver ^^
+++ 😉
Those arent stats you can achieve with “one single overmeld”. Most of those come from pentamelds I’d wager. Also, anyone invested in crafting is going to pentameld, or close to it.
Well, not 2 weeks before major content patch… I’m not going to make real profits out of Rakshasa (who ever buys it still?) – rather it was like a challenge to me, “if I am able or I am not”. And yes, it was nice to know that yes, I am… Also I wanted to refute this old quote:
So in comparison, if a macro is a pistol and a human who knows what he does is a rifle, Miqobot’s crafting solver is a ship-mounted railgun.
So, this is plain wrong. If in-game macro is a pistol (pure bulls**t), then AHK script is a chaingun (very fast, while not really accurate), Miqo is a tank gun (way more accurate, but still not 100%… and also SLOW AND HEAVY LIKE HELL), and human who REALLY knows what he is doing is a shoulder-mounted anti-materiel guided thermite missile – light, extremely accurate and even more powerful than tank shell.
June 15, 2019 at 11:58 pm #13490Yep like i said youre missing skills. You removed Makers Mark (+26.6%) and Patient Touch (+41.5%) and wondering why it fails. Its a user error. Its like chopping both wings and asking the bird to fly. Been crafting with 1650/1600/535 since release and never had a single fail.
But this thread has already grown into a holy war which is completely unnecessary. If youre good with macros then stick with them nobodys going to punish you for that. Miqo supports macros and crafting solver and both features are working great. Its a matter of preference.
Its a funny thing Gray that despite all your talk youve already invested a lot more time than an RMT seller would. Youve discovered such thing as personal challenges and the sense of pride after beating them. Youve fallen in love with the game much more than you care to admit. All i can say is welcome.
June 16, 2019 at 12:51 am #13492Yep like i said youre missing skills. You removed Makers Mark (+26.6%) and Patient Touch (+41.5%) and wondering why it fails. Its a user error.
Not quite – it’s user’s choice. Makers Mark is the last resort – you use it when you are really desperate (for example, when you craft Onishi / Nightsteel items while having just 5 pieces of Ala Mhigan + 1 BSM primary weapon, and the rest lvl290 twinsilk/molybden gear. Then yes – I was using Makers Mark too! Otherwise IMHO you have to be mad to use 62-key (!!!) rotations just because you can’t optimize a short and nice Muscle Memory rotation… So once again, that’s not me “chopping wings”, but rather someone else uses heavy cannon where a simple rocket is more than enough. The tricky question is, though: how the hell can one teach Miqo to use this rocket…
But this thread has already grown into a holy war which is completely unnecessary. If youre good with macros then stick with them nobody is going to punish you for that. Miqo supports macros and crafting solver and both features are working great.
Waging another war was not really my intent – I was just trying to learn how to make Miqo waste less time (if possible), just because Miqo for some reason presses start key before any calculations, I can’t eat and drink while craft is started, so 5 mins of food and drinks just to to waste. So you are going to say that you pre-set some kind of start sequence, then let Miqo calculate the rest, which means you can actually use Innovation AND synthesis in the end, without waiting for 22 mins?
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