Ishgard Restoration Gatherer Score

Forum Forums Discussion Ishgard Restoration Gatherer Score

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #22317

    Hey everyone,

    I’m not entirely sure, what is causing my problem, but I wanted to ask for some advice on the Ishgard Restoration gathering score and maybe some of the more invested people can help me there.

    So I’ve been running neitro’s botanist scenario with aetheromatic auger for almost an entire day (going for the mount), but all I got was some 18k’ish points. However, during the first week of IshRes rankings I’ve seen gatherers on the leaderboards with somewhere around 500k+ points and from a mathematical standpoint that wouldn’t work with that scenario.

    Was my gear the problem there? Because I was wearing suboptimal gear (5.0 BiS – so no facet stuff).


    18k for an entire day? That sounds EXTREMELY low.. if not impossible. That said, melds to help, tremendously. Altho you wont be reaching the points those crazy spammers did during ranking season, but it won’t be as bad as 18k a day. IIRC it took me a week or so to get 500k on both miner and botanist with the scenario going around, but I was melded to hit all three bonuses, which helps a lot with the points. I also tried to keep and eye and prevent GP usage unless I was on the +5 gathering strikes nodes, and used cordials, A LOT.

    If you cant (or wont) meld to hit all three bonuses, then at least do 2 and food up for the 3rd one.


    That scenario farms slot 4 instead of 5 and doesnt have a rotation bundled. If you havent modified the gathering preset then its running at 30% efficiency. Cant think of any other reasons.


    @lutbot I’ve crafted & melded a set according to the Balance guide now, minus the tools (using the Dragonsung stuff there, since I’m lazy and that few GP don’t really matter). Should work much better now.

    @lyfox I’ve noticed it didn’t gather the nice stuff, indeed. Got much more points after I modidied that. Gonna set a rotation to it and that should do the trick then.

    Thanks for the replies 🙂

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