is it possible to make a scenario for dungeon?

Forum Forums Discussion is it possible to make a scenario for dungeon?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  oh 3 years, 2 months ago.

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    i know doing level 90 dungeon is super low on the request list. But i wondered if its possible to make your own scenario to run it (at least the trash pull parts only) with combat assist (me running my own self with bosses and trust)

    I am honestly stumped a lot by the scenario on what commands to use for things because its pretty overwhelming (this is not a complaint but a request if anyone has made a simple guide) i tried taking apart some but I couldn’t figure out the answer to this question specifically.

    thank you miqobot for getting up and running so soon. i really appreciate your hard work.


    Assist Mode is not designed for automatic activities, therefore it is not available in Scenario Engine.
    The feature you ask about belongs to Custom fights and Monster grind feature pack. The combat system is still in early beta and there are several critical updates that must be implemented before this feature becomes possible.

    In addition, Miqobot will not be able to perform dungeon mechanics until we manually implement each of them in Miqobot source code. Without additional algorithms, Miqobot will simply stand in acid puddles and AoE omens. So this feature will not allow you to farm any dungeon out of the box.

    You can find more information in this thread:
    Open scenario scripting engine for squadrons/combat



    If you do that as a DPS class you can just pull the trash mobs and go afk till the mobs are down. Nothing to do here. The trusts damage scale through time so nothing happens. I’ve done that till I got everyone to 90 and only had to play the boss fights where even the assist mode is more than enough if you want to automate that. Just have to do the easy mechanics.



    thank you both for your replies 🙂

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