In-Game Crafting Macro

Forum Forums Discussion In-Game Crafting Macro

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  robdobilina 4 years, 2 months ago.

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    How might I go about having miqobot fire off an in game crafting macro? I searched around a bit and didn’t really come across anything.


    Using ingame crafting macros with Miqobot is possible but not recommended.
    Please refer to this thread for detailed explanation:
    Crafting using a one button macro



    Thanks for that reply! Is there any difference in the game log between a miqobot craft versus an in game crafting macro? I’m wondering if it looks less suspicious to a GM to sit there spamming a one button macro for an hour vs individually pressing all the skills perfectly and quickly.

    I know client side the action is logged down to the millisecond so a set interval is risky if the log is the same on their side?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by  robdobilina.

    In-game crafting macro vs Miqo crafting macro is essentially the same thing in the result, just different in execution.

    In-game you can set a <wait.#> time for each step of a macro but you’re limited to 15 lines per macro. You also need to consider any lag spike messing up using a particular skill. Miqo can then be told to press your macro and then afk for the duration of the macro.

    Miqo crafting macro can be as long as you want it to be and I have never seen her mess up because of lag. However, you need to use the keybinds for the skills. I’d advise having a separate document to save your keybinds so you can easily copy-paste the sequence.

    You can always go to your locked house/apartment or an inn room and spam your crafting there.



    I dont really know much about the crafting system in FF in general having only just leveled them like a month ago but i think miqobot’s crafting would probably be better than using your own macro. Especially if you haven’t done the job quests to get all the skills (guilty XD) Miqobot is very efficient at spending cp and also varies the rotation on procs. An in game macro only uses the same skills over and over and needs to be exact or it could result in a failed craft.


    Yeah, the only reason I ever use a manual crafting macro with Miqo is when the recipe is so far below my level that I can guarantee success, regardless of RNG, with a specific series of actions and I don’t want Miqo to waste time trying to optimise when it won’t make a difference. Anything else, I just let her solver take care of it.



    I would imagine the auto solver is pretty hard to identify server side since you are actually responding to conditions of the craft. It actually works pretty well and is hardly any slower than an in game macro, so that’s neat!

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