How to deposite stuff in retainers

Forum Forums Discussion How to deposite stuff in retainers

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Ark 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    So i am doing white gather scripts an i max out at night fast , i am wonder how i would deposit stuff in retainers . as well as how the bot would recolonize when the retainer is full an go to the next one. I have 5 if you have ideas how to implement this in a scenario that would be awesome !



    Note i understand how to make grids for the bot . I do not understand how i would get it to open the right retainer to deposit. My only idea is to deposit “x” amount of times than go to the next . If you could show me a example of the code i can probably do the rest :). This would be awesome because i am trying to farm materia for my gear 🙂

    example : click ->deposit x amount of times in a row from your inventory -> go to next retainer -> deposit “x”amount till full .

    appericate ideas if you have any idea



    AFAIK you pretty much have to do the complete retainer logic yourself with scenario scripting at the moment.
    It should somehow work to do this with sendKey but it will not be very reliable since there aren´t really functions to check your inventory or a retainer right now.

    You can check this scenario for how to handle retainer stuff in general:
    Retainer Scenario

    What I currently do to farm white scrips is just clearing my inventory and never deliver the collectables.
    I then let miqo deliver my full inventory when I get back from work.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by  Ark.
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