How to create a scenario?

Forum Forums Discussion How to create a scenario?


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  aikenkashih 2 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hello! I’m super new and just downloaded today. I was most interested in the ability to check all 10 retainers, and reassign which I’ve done by importing a scenario from another thread. My other interest is to be able to craft/refine EW mats in HQ in bulk. I have an in game macro for it but would like to tell it to craft 30 at a time. When I looked under crafting, it says it’s not updated for EW yet (wouldn’t really understand how to use this anyhow but seems intuitive). So, is there a way to create a scenario to do this? If so, could someone point me to a guide to how to create scenarios so I know what to imput what, where, and why? Note: I don’t need the gathering part.. just crafting. Many thanks in advance.


    I have some crafting macros and I chuckled when I saw “in bulk” and “30 at a time” but I digress. you *can* create scenarios for crafting and if you’re savvy enough, you can use the new abilities but it takes you putting them on your bar *and* manually inputting the abilities yourself. For instance. I will share with you my macro for pumpkin potage as it exists in Miqo

    (ETA: You can just find teamcraft scenarios, put the abilities on your bar in order and then slap the numbers into MiQo and BAM instant crafting macro)

    To create a crafting ONLY scenario
    – go to the crafting tab and enter the macro into the “Macro” section
    – Enter the count (in this case 30) into the count section
    – choose repair if you want (I always do)
    – Save it as new and choose an intelligent name (I called mine “Pumpkin Potage” clever, I know)
    – Repeat this step if you have precrafts that require a second macro

    NOW, go to the scenario section
    This is where things get fun. this is the last step of my pumpkin potage scenario

    //This section crafts the precrafts. In this case, Northern Sea Salt

    craftMacro(Northern Sea Salt) //chooses the craft macro we just created
    nqhq() //chooses between NQ and HQ, I leave it empty because my macro is all HQ all the time.
    reclaimOff() //don’t know but I’ve always left this here
    // Northern Sea Salt [Crafted] – CUL – Level 81
    setCraftCollect(off) //because some of the crafts are collectables and I don’t want this one to be
    job(CUL) //changes my job to Culinarian
    recipe(Northern Sea Salt) //chooses the recipe I need
    craft(23) //tells miqo to craft 23 of them
    repair() //Tells Miqo to repair after the recipe is complete.

    craftMacro(Pumpkin Potage)
    // Pumpkin Potage [Crafted] – CUL – Level 90
    recipe(Pumpkin Potage)

    Because Pumpkin potage is right after the precraft, Miqo will run from one craft to another one right after another. In my full scenarios, I often gather everything (including crystals) craft and repair. I rarely craft less than 100 things manually and tend to use MiQo when I’m doing mass crafts (greater than 1000 crafts at a time)

    Hope this helps!

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 11 months ago by Naiya Naiya.


    Hello Naiya, thank you for the tips! I just have one question, what do you mean when you say “enter the macro in the “Macro” section”? as in the macro name? Or…


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