How good is assist with ranged dps

Forum Forums Discussion How good is assist with ranged dps

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by AMereShadow AMereShadow 3 years, 6 months ago.

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    i Main machinist and dancer, currently leveling bard. Was wondering how good assist is with them, and how hands free they are (cause I have problems paying attention to the boss when fighting so I tend to get hit my attacks so i hope this will help a lot)



    Here’s what i said a few months ago on a similar topic:

    For reference: I’ve run Diamond Ex with BRD/MCH/DNC, and both DNC and BRd reach 90% on fflogs (BRD got a little higher than DNC) by just mostly letting Miqo do its thing. MCH only “only” reached high 70s, but that’s because you can’t leech off your team mates’ DPS with your raid buffs 😛

    I’ve played MCH in current Eden savage raids and with some fine tuning that comes naturally as you learn the encounters, i’ve also reached over 80% on fflogs with combat assist there.

    In casual DF content like dungeons / alliance raids, Miqo will almost always outperform the rest of your group.


    sorry for reposting then and thanks for the information.

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