Holminster Tank Farm

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Holminster Tank Farm

This topic contains 34 replies, has 18 voices, and was last updated by  Go_watch 5 months ago.

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    do you get more gear by doing it unsynch instead of just doing it as a trust or something?

    You get more gear for once, but it’s more to get some tank clears in which you wouldn’t get when running with trusts (they changed that in shadowbringers)

    So this scenario can be used for
    1. Tank achievement
    2. GC Seal farm.



    Great script. At i620ish, takes about 20 minutes. Few tips I’d like to share:

    – unbind some of your alt/shift chat keybinds (like say, alliance,etc). Sometimes the inputs for movement and ability usage cross and the bot winds up entering text into the chat window and just halts

    – add repair() to the script near the top (before the other key entries) and keep a few stacks of repair materials on you

    – I find that on occasion the very first attempt to starting the dungeon fails (cursor doesn’t reach “join”). If I correct it that one time, it seems to work properly after that for hours



    Would it be possible for someone to update this script for DT? I know its probably a simple fix, I just dont know enough about how the coding works to make it work on my own.



    I’ve used it on GNB and DRK. No issues. Sure, it doesn’t know about certain abilities, but it does clear it and the time isn’t so bad. I think I average about 11.5 minutes. Maybe other jobs are broken?



    My problem is it isnt selecting the dungeon. If I manually go in, it works fine.

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