Help creating scenario to dump yellow gathering scrips?

Forum Forums Discussion Help creating scenario to dump yellow gathering scrips?

This topic contains 27 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 5 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #14390


    Just wondering if there’s a way to make Miqobot dump all the scrips when cap is reached, for overnight collectable farming and such.


    Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t even touch your mouse while bot uses sendKey() sequences (which are also vulnerable to lag bursts).

    I guess we (who want fully hands-free bot which can grind even while we sleep) should start sacrificing lalafels while praying for vendor support implementation too, some day. I mean, hey – it worked to summon Miqo in no time (I didn’t even finish getting all my DoH skills to 80), so maybe it works for us too? %)


    Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t even touch your mouse while bot uses sendKey() sequences (which are also vulnerable to lag bursts).

    I guess we (who want fully hands-free bot which can grind even while we sleep) should start sacrificing lalafels while praying for vendor support implementation too, some day. I mean, hey – it worked to summon Miqo in no time (I didn’t even finish getting all my DoH skills to 80), so maybe it works for us too? %)

    Hey Grey nice to see you are still active. I really cant wait to see Grids you provide to this community 🙂



    As Gray said its the safest to make your own grids for extensive farming along with a custom scenario to have a wide variety of items. You need to control multiple markets or you wont make alot of profit.

    What I am more curios about is currently profitable stuff to market. Raw mats will always sell but thats not enough for me. I want to make roughly 100m out of the first months of ShB.

    So far I made 20m out of materia and gem mats alone so that should easily be possible.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by  zgo63925.

    As Gray said its the safest to make your own grids for extensive farming along with a custom scenario to have a wide variety of items. You need to control multiple markets or you wont make alot of profit.

    What I am more curios about is currently profitable stuff to market. Raw mats will always sell but thats not enough for me. I want to make roughly 100m out of the first months of ShB.

    So far I made 20m out of materia and gem mats alone so that should easily be possible.

    You are right its the safest way, but some of this community depend on the help of others, as gray has been helped at the beginning in huge ways form the usual suspects in this forum who helps always. And as he is a real pro in the develpment of such content i am eager to see his work.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by 4DDCom 4DDCom.

    I guess we (who want fully hands-free bot which can grind even while we sleep) should start sacrificing lalafels while praying for vendor support implementation too, some day. I mean, hey – it worked to summon Miqo in no time (I didn’t even finish getting all my DoH skills to 80), so maybe it works for us too? %)

    Thank you for reminding us about your request once again 🙂

    We understand the demand and have already planned NPC Vendor implementation in the near future.
    Please remember that updates always take time. There are still several features which are completely broken and can not be even emulated with sendKey() function. As soon as we complete the most urgent hotfixes, we will be working on QoL feature requests.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding!



    Hear hear!



    I’ve written a script using the market API to determine the highest volume of gil transacted per day/week items on a server or datacenter. You make awesome grids maybe we can swap/share info, hit me up on the unofficial discord, username ends in 52.

    I’ve written a script using the market API to determine the highest volume of gil transacted per day/week items on a server or datacenter using the sale history. You make awesome grids maybe we can swap/share info, hit me up on the unofficial discord, username ends in 52.



    I’ve written a script using the market API to determine the highest volume of gil transacted per day/week items on a server or datacenter using the sale history. You make awesome grids maybe we can swap/share info, hit me up on the unofficial discord, username ends in 52.

    Added, ending with z.


    And as he is a real pro in the develpment of such content i am eager to see his work.

    Actually, the best way to see my work would be to provide me with some API/source libs so I can implement features like vendor support myself 🙂 I’m a programmer, after all, and I’ve been participating this way or that in every bot project I used until now. Though, if you want to see my grids, you’ll have to wait for about two-three more days: I won’t start using Miqo myself until my gf raises her DoH skills at least to a minimum level required for delivery quests, as she doesn’t want to use my crafting scripts, hehe… and we’ve got just a single licence for us two. Not sure if it’s worth waiting, as creating your own grids takes maybe a hour or two.

    We understand the demand and have already planned NPC Vendor implementation in the near future.

    YEHOO! Thanks bunch for this answer! And sorry for bugging you %) I mean, it’s way easier to wait when you know that the most needed feature comes out in the near future rather than nobody-knows-when.


    Just keep in mind that you shouldn’t even touch your mouse while bot uses sendKey() sequences (which are also vulnerable to lag bursts).

    Protip, even though it was already mentioned:

    If you set your FFXIV to window-mode (not borderless fullscreen as usual) and minimize the window, you can move your mouse all you want and Miqo will not care about it at all. Everything will be working perfectly fine, since she works via keyboard presses alone and the mouse only messes with FFXIV in the background itself (which it doesn’t do, when the window is minimized).

    Not sure if it’s worth waiting, as creating your own grids takes maybe a hour or two.

    I made my two grids for Dwarven Cotton Boll and Lignum Vitae Logs in like 10 minutes and they’re not too bad I’d say, so 2 hours would make a hell of a grid.

    Still curious, how your grids will look and surely will try them out!

    Thanks bunch for this answer! And sorry for bugging you %)

    Well, since the Miqobot community is pretty small, asking for features and elaborating on and convincing the community why they’d be great, is the way to go to get features here. From what I see, vendor support would be pretty great for crafting/gathering scrip scenarios, where items are bought after a certain amount of time has passed, so the bot can run theoretically indefinitely/for several hours no problem, so it is surely a useful feature that would be great.


    If you set your FFXIV to window-mode (not borderless fullscreen as usual) and minimize the window, you can move your mouse all you want and Miqo will not care about it at all.

    O_O Fun… thanks, I’ll try it! Though, it makes me quite uneasy when I don’t see at least a small bit of each my toon’s screen (i.e. can’t be sure if it is doing its job, or stopped due to some bug, or just disconnected)…

    I made my two grids for Dwarven Cotton Boll and Lignum Vitae Logs in like 10 minutes and they’re not too bad I’d say, so 2 hours would make a hell of a grid.

    Yes, making the grid itself is really a ten minutes job; though, that’s playtesting and polishing that takes 1-2 hours more. Well, it’s easy when you make a grid for, say, Bomb Ash – almost completely flat terrain with no way to fly etc. Though, it’s way more funnier in HW/SB/ShB content… Usually I try to make a grid which would make my toons run in smooth circles, never backtracking, using shortest possible routes from each possible node to each other, without touching obstacles, without aggroing mobs (FATEs included) etc. This can take quite a bit of time in case you grind some mountainous terrain filled with monsters of your level… for example, molybdenum ore grid took me some 3 hours to perfect.


    O_O Fun… thanks, I’ll try it! Though, it makes me quite uneasy when I don’t see at least a small bit of each my toon’s screen (i.e. can’t be sure if it is doing its job, or stopped due to some bug, or just disconnected)…

    Also, protip to that. Go to your sound settings and set it like this:

    That way you will hear the little sound when an item is obtained, every time you gather an item, as well as tell-sound effects, but nothing else. The second you hear a tell, or you don’t hear the item-obtained sound (the one that sounds like a book-page being turned) for longer than 30 seconds, you know something isn’t working as intended and you can quickly switch back into the game to check.

    Yes, making the grid itself is really a ten minutes job; though, that’s playtesting and polishing that takes 1-2 hours more.

    True. Playtesting costs extra time. For my grids I had maybe 20 minutes of playtesting, so I need like half an hour for a basic grid, that runs in smooth circles and doesn’t aggro mobs 😉


    And again two formidable tips from Arc thx a lot those are truly helpful … as i am running three char at the same time the waiting during retainers send back to hunt was very anoying

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by 4DDCom 4DDCom.
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