Forum Forums Discussion Gold Saucer [DISCONNECT PROBLEM]

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #1972


    Hi there,

    I’ve got a problem which I cannot resolve and I tried to look for it everywhere in the forums but unfortunately I can’t seem to find any solution to it.

    I play Gold Saucer Mini Games, I usually put the settings as 999999 (max) count and 20 for the botany game as well as 5 for the mining game, time will be 999999(max) afk timer is 0(minimum). However I get disconnected all the time at around 60-ish game count. Is there anything wrong with the settings? Is there something that I need to do or it’s just meant to be like that? I tried to leave it overnight and when I woke up, game was disconnected. It only runs for quite a few hours.

    Any suggestions will be much appreciated.

    Thanks xx


    Miqobot doesn’t interfere with your internet connection in any way.
    It’s very unlikely that she is the problem.

    We plan to address this kind of issues in the future by implementing an automatic relogger whenever a disconnection occurs.
    But this is just a QoL feature which might or might not help you, depending on how severe your disconnections are (for example, a Lobby Server error usually causes the game client to close completely).

    We recommend opening Cmd window (Win-R -> type cmd -> Enter) and starting ping utility to verify your connection to the game server.
    You can find the IP Address of your server on this website: FFXIV Server Status
    For example, on Balmung you would type in Cmd window:
    ping -t

    • If your connection is stable, you will see response lines printed approximately once per second.
    • If your connection is unstable, you will see delays and/or timeout messages.

    You can leave Cmd window opened and continue playing the game.
    When the next disconnection happens, simply switch to the Cmd window and look what’s happening.

    Additionally, there is a tracert utility that can help you detect a weak spot in your connection’s route.
    tracert – will output a detailed description of every node between you and Balmung server.

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