Dwarven Cotton Boll

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Dwarven Cotton Boll

This topic contains 7 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #14380


    Anyone have a Grid for Dwarven Cotton Boll pls Link it tyyy



    You literally asked people for 70-80 full leveling hours ago, seconds after the bot got fixed, now you ask for more stuff.

    All threads you start are literally begging for stuff and you have not provided ANYTHING, neither do you show proper appreciation to what has been done. You demanded in the past that people update scenarios to make them more efficient cause you wanted that, with no sign of gratidute.

    The bot barely is working again so instead of trying to leech start to provide, people are busy with their own projects.
    I personally will gladly ignore your request despite having the grid done.

    Seriously this might all come of as harsh but we don’t need people demanding stuff left and right without providing anything seconds after the bot got fixed.

    There is alot of people who are not as good in making scenarios but they are patient and nicely ask, they know that their requests are not priority and in most cases that makes me want to help them even faster, but you… not so much.

    TL;DR: Don’t be a leech, don’t be demanding, be patient and people will help. Alternatively create your own grids and scenarios and start providing, for yourself and the community.



    Friend how old are u ? Is 2Hours for u a Second? Where is the Problem if im Asking a Navigation Grid i m Helping Miqo-User to. And if u dont want to give ur so be quiet Ty!


    2 Hours is figuratively 2 seconds, when considering, that the bot was just released. Give people some time. They will provide the grids on their own.

    If within 3-7 days no one has made one, THEN it would be an appropriate time to ask, if someone has made one and would kindly share it.



    This was LITERALLY 10minutes after the bot was up. 10 minutes and you expect people to have a full 70-80 scenario…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  zgo63925.

    Lets be nice to each other. The speed at which people create grids is simply insane. I get distracted for one evening and Miqo is fixed and theres already nothing left for me to create. Guess ill help Miqo team updating the index and fill in the gaps later. Amazing spirit you guys rock!



    Lets be nice to each other. The speed at which people create grids is simply insane. I get distracted for one evening and Miqo is fixed and theres already nothing left for me to create. Guess ill help Miqo team updating the index and fill in the gaps later. Amazing spirit you guys rock!

    The only thing left aside from seperate gathering grids is a yellow scrips (lvling) scenario, which are currently am working on. Pretty much done. Someone else did white scrips already.

    On the other hand, the index needs to be filled in, the forums overhauled and old grids updated.


    The only thing left aside from seperate gathering grids is a yellow scrips (lvling) scenario, which are currently am working on. Pretty much done. Someone else did white scrips already.

    And an Ephermal Aethersand Scenario is also still missing for the new aethersands. I hope Lyfox will make such one, since his one is far superior to the one I made back in Stormblood.

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