Dungeon Death

Forum Forums Discussion Dungeon Death

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  kaimera 1 year, 4 months ago.

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  • #39753


    I’ve played around the functionality of koCheckoutpoint() koSetCatchUp() however my code requires my character to die in a dungeon. I think the miqobot tries to respawn in the dungeon by tapping the confirm button after death. However, in a dungeon, you have to hold the confirm button to res. It pauses the code trying to res and isnt able to continue the rest of my functions. Any way around this or putting in a feature where miqobot doesn’t try to res and we can implement our own inputs such as holdKey? or maybe a boolean with a whitelist dungeons that require holding down the confirm button to res.

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