Doese Miqo support PvP?

Forum Forums Discussion Doese Miqo support PvP?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 2 years, 6 months ago.

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    haven’t used miqo for a long time now, was there any update about pvp mode?


    Nope, there wasnt. Development stopped since the war started:


    Miqobot’s stance on PvP has always been that PvP is a red flag, and that they don’t want to implement any kind of PvP feature.
    It creates a disproportionate amount of unwanted attention, because botting in PvP directly influences other players’ gameplay.

    Because of this Miqobot has so far always rejected any kind of PvP requests, and that’s why Miqobot even has a built-in kill switch to cease any kind of functionality the moment you enter any PvP area, so no one can even McGyver some way of using Miqobot in PvP. That’s how much of a red flag PvP is.

    When explaining their reasoning, the community here on the forums also always agreed, that implementing any kind of PvP botting would be an extremely bad idea. Miqobot has stated, that they might re-evaluate their stance on PvP features, if a very large amount of people requested it, but so far the interest in PvP feature has only been voiced by one or two people every couple of months. The majority of the community agrees, that they prefer Miqobot to draw as little attention as possible, and that the bot should excel at the things it’s already good at: Crafting, Gathering, PvE assist, and grinds like Gold Saucer.

    If you want my personal opinion on this matter:
    Miqobot will never ever implement any kind of PvP features, just for the sake of not drawing any unwanted attention.
    So if you’re searching for a PvP bot, I personally think this is the wrong place to look for, now as well as in the future. There’s already a couple other PvP bots out there that do their job.

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