if I want a timed node I’ll have the scenario teleport me to the area, navigate to waypoint and afkUntil the node pops. Then, tp away to somewhere else / other gather/ afk at estate hall to stay away from player populations. For example;
//Imperial Fern @ 12 – 2 PM
gatherPreset(Imperial Fern)
sendIcon(2, 12, 1.5)
teleportIf(Estate Hall)
Instead of teleportIf(Estate Hall) you could just start a new chapter after sendIcon, then have your scenario begin the next step you want to take.
Edit: as a sidenote, I have it setup so that miqo arrives within a minute of the node popping, generally 31 mins eorzea time is enough in this example to get from the stilltide tp to the node. Then I’d get back to my estate hall when it’s finished gathering and afk until the next node this scenario is setup for pops. I separate each node / activity by chapter this way.
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This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by
This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by