Diadem Mining with boom

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Diadem Mining with boom

This topic contains 26 replies, has 17 voices, and was last updated by  Slickster 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #24344


    I started at spawn, it will fly to the south, get the first node, the fly west sit in front of the active node and then fly off without mining.

    After that it’ll make stops in front of where nodes are, but aren’t active, before eventually going to another active node then flying away. It’s super weird.



    Any chance this could be modified to use the repair vendor at the start? I don’t have crafters up to manually repair my own gear.



    Thanks for the scenario. Works great for me however, once the time in Diadem runs out the bot won’t re-enter. Just moves left of the Mission Commander vendor in the Firmament until it hits a wall and times out. I defaulted all my controls and set it to legacy mode and it seems the keypad NUM’s work as they should (I usually use a controller). Any advice on things I could try? Thanks again 🙂

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Sgtdawg69.


    I get stuck on the part going 149, 150 and 151. Can anyone share me the fix for this part?



    The same goes with number 27 on my second rotation.



    It doesn’t start at all, stuck on “Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘<anything>’ *.* ” Could use some advice

    Oh wait, I’m dumb, I was in the gathering tab, not the scenario one, now it’s on, ignore above. Also for some reason it uses KY2 on the first node, I thought it’s only going to use it for +5 nodes.

    edit2. Tried it again, now it goes to the first node, spins the camera and then mounts up and goes back up in the air. NGL this miqobot looks way more confusing than it is, and the movement it does gives me the vibe it’s really easy to spot when someone’s using it. Kinda disappointed so far.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Slickster.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Slickster.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Slickster.


    Right, managed to get it to work, for some reason I had to bind “target npc or object” to anything, otherwise it didn’t work.


    Miqo is a keyboard bot so yea you need to have every vital keybind assigned. Miqo usually says the things she needs in the message log so keep an eye on it. This guide should help you get a better understanding of how it works: https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/help-keybinds/



    Yeah, but every single scenario on the forum just said to have ‘confirm’ bound to num0 (which is done by default), and also it worked for a bit at first without me binding ‘target npc or object’ (but it always took a screenshot each time it started gathering, which was weird). Thanks for the link, I’ll check it out.

    Regarding the topic, how do I get it to use cordials on CD? At the moment it just uses KY2 every time 500GP is available (I’d rather have it use it on +5 nodes only if possible) and never uses cordials (use cordials is ticked though so not sure why it doesn’t work).

    Also @lyfox, do you know if it’s possible to record my “path”? So basically, press record, it would save all inputs I do throughout the diadem cycle, and then it would repeat it? Or is mapping the only way?

    @edit it started using cordials out of nowhere, whereas it wouldn’t use them before, weird. Doesn’t use them on cooldown though.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Slickster.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by  Slickster.

    Scenario authors say what you have to bind additionally in order for their custom features to work. But you need to get essentials first of course. Scenarios are an advanced feature so they usually assume that you understand the basics. As for screenshots its probably because youre playing steam version and have the same keybind assigned to steam screenshots.

    Im not sure you can make it use cordials easily because this scenario is designed in a way to prevent it. Miqo wont use a cordial after gather(1) command. Im not sure why the author decided to do it this way. And Miqo doesnt detect +5 nodes. Its something that was planned but people asked Miqo team to postpone gathering features in order to get a level 80 trust dungeon first.

    Theres no record button. But mapping with 3d editor works the same way. You move, drop a waypoint, move, drop a waypoint, and so on. It connects all waypoints automatically so its pretty much the same as recording. You just decide the spots to drop waypoints to make sure that it flies around obstacles and thats it.


    has issue 149, 150 and 151 and 27 been fixed so it does not get stuck? just wondering. if not i will keep a close eye on it since im not that good at adjusting points.



    I’ve been running it and there were times when the character was just slightly below the island so I had to push forward myself, or it was slightly above the node, so had to push forward again so it could dismount and start mining. It was random after first loop and not sure which points were affected (no idea how to check that), didn’t happen too often though. Wasn’t a huge issue for me because I try to be at my PC while it’s farming, so if anything happens, I can just quickly alt+tab to it and adjust the position (don’t want others to figure out I’m doing this if, for example, the character would start spinning in place).

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