Crafting questions

Forum Forums Discussion Crafting questions

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hey everyone I’m new to the community but i’m loving this software so far. There’s only two things that im curious about. Is there any way to queue stuff so it’ll craft a bunch of materials? Also, i have some macros that get things to HQ every single time but the solver in miqo doesn’t always get my hq % to max, is there any way to fix that? Thanks!


    1. Scenario engine is the way to craft different things in succession. Something like

    solverPreset(ignoreHQ)   // select your crafting preset, "ignoreHQ"
    recipe(Frantoio Oil)     // tell miqo what recipe to craft
    craft(100)               // craft 100 times
    solverPreset(expert)     // select your crafting preset, "expert"
    recipe(Smoked Chicken)   // tell miqo what recipe to craft
    craft(20)                // craft 20 times

    very easy 🙂 Sadly Miqo can’t quick synth on her own yet, but you can write a bunch of “sendKey()” commands to tell her how to move the cursor (but this is highly sensitive and will break if you move your mouse at all).

    2. You need to make sure your settings are correct. Here are the settings I use for my “expert” preset:

            Use ☑
    Enable logs ☐
            2:1 ☐
            4:1 ☑
            8:1 ☐
            Ignore quality ☐
    CPU intensive
         Manipulation (x5) ☑
           Innovation (x4) ☑
            Waste Not (x3) ☐

    For simpler recipes I will uncheck Manipulation to make the solver faster.

    Crafting solver depends on your stats (Craftsmanship, Control, CP) vs the recipe’s stats (Durability, Difficulty). From my understanding the solver generates a large “solution map” of every possible avenue to finish the craft while using as many Quality-increasing skills as possible along the way (that wording is important), unless Quality is already at maximum at which point she will just proceed to finish. It is all based on numbers and a little bit of RNG (Good/Excellent procs). Miqo’s ability to react to different conditions and intelligently use skills makes her much smarter than a macro, but there are definitely times such as low level crafts where a simple macro will suffice — so Miqo also supports macros. Uncheck the “Use ☑” field for the Solver, and type a keystroke sequence in the text field next to the start button (for example: q, 5, 2, 2, v, 3). You can have different macro presets for different keystroke sequences. I’m not entirely sure (@anyone feel free to correct me) but I think she will wait until the current ability fires before sending the next one, unlike in-game macros which can screw up or fail due to a latency spike.

    I hope this helps 🙂



    thank you for your reply, this is very helpful. If i had a macro i wanted it to use in a scenario instead, what would i put in place of “solverPreset(expert)”

    would i use craftMacro(macro_14)?


    Yes, that’s correct, assuming your Miqobot macro preset is named “macro_14”. This doesn’t use an in-game macro.

    However, if you want to use an in-game macro during a scenario, simply place the macro on your hotbar and use the “sendKey()” function. So, for example, “sendKey(8)” will press 8. You will need to add an “afkFor()” after this, so that Miqo will wait for your macro to finish before continuing the scenario. Use a stopwatch on your phone/online to time your macro. Let’s say it takes 10 seconds, you would write “afkFor(00:00:10)”.


    Using ingame crafting macros with Miqobot is possible but not recommended.
    Please refer to this thread for detailed explanation:
    Crafting using a one button macro

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