Forum Forums Discussion CALLING YOU OUT MIQOBOT

This topic contains 25 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 6 years ago.

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    Just throwing in my 5ct’s. I’ve been using Miqobot for almost 2 years now, I think. Maybe even 3. At least, my oldest license on the Miqo page says, it was renewed on 9/11 2017 last time.

    And in all that time I have been suspended once because of my absolute stupidity. To refresh your memory: I have been suspended, because I was botting…

    …for 5 days consecutive
    …in the Gold Saucer at the Out on a Limb only
    …during the Make It Rain event, where the Gold Saucer is full of people
    …while a few ex-FC-members of mine had a personal grudge on me

    Like srsly. It took all of that to get me reported and have a 3 day suspension.
    Apparently the suspension was so light, that when the Ungarmax Banwave was issued, I only got another 3 day ban instead of a 7 day ban.

    With that said, gimme a break. If you use only 1% of your brain while using Miqobot you will not get banned. It is not detectable. And I repeat: I have been using Miqobot for a really long time now. I’ve been using it quite a lot. I do not craft manually without Miqobot anymore, I do not gather without Miqo anymore, I leveled all my jobs to 70 with Miqo and I did quite a lot of public, risky botting and I am still playing this game without problems.

    So gimme a break. Miqo and “detectable”. Don’t make me laugh.



    I’ve never been banned on ffxiv, and been using this application for 1 year.
    ironically i got banned from pubg early last year for accidentally leaving miqobot open as it was detected by the Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) system.


    You can’t get a VAC ban in PUBG because they don’t use VAC 🙂



    You sure about that?
    See attached
    Please note for anyone reading this, this was applied for pubg not ffxiv.

    VAC is a Steam anti-cheat (detects illegal software) system which automatically detects unauthorised software – i had purchased the game via steam, so would this apply with ffxiv if bought via steam?

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by  infuriated.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by  infuriated.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by  infuriated.
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    I know exactly what VAC is – Valve Anti-Cheat. Here’s a list of all games that use VAC –

    VAC doesn’t touch any other game.

    I know PUBG has used Easy Anti-Cheat in the past, and their own in house anti-cheat, and I think they used BattleEye at some point as well. Not sure which of those they still use, or a combination of, but I know it’s not VAC

    PUBG has been called out plenty of times for claiming it’s a VAC ban in their messaging and such, but it’s not. Check your steam profile – it’ll say VAC ban explicitly if it’s a VAC ban – here’s a steam profile with a VAC ban – . Otherwise it just says Game Ban, which is all PUBG does.

    If you had a VAC ban you get banned from all VAC secure things, like Team Fortress 2, Counterstrike, etc. All the games in my first link showing VAC secured games



    I know exactly what VAC is – Valve Anti-Cheat. Here’s a list of all games that use VAC –

    VAC doesn’t touch any other game.

    I know PUBG has used Easy Anti-Cheat in the past, and their own in house anti-cheat, and I think they used BattleEye at some point as well. Not sure which of those they still use, or a combination of, but I know it’s not VAC

    PUBG has been called out plenty of times for claiming it’s a VAC ban in their messaging and such, but it’s not. Check your steam profile – it’ll say VAC ban explicitly if it’s a VAC ban – here’s a steam profile with a VAC ban – . Otherwise it just says Game Ban, which is all PUBG does.

    If you had a VAC ban you get banned from all VAC secure things, like Team Fortress 2, Counterstrike, etc. All the games in my first link showing VAC secured games

    Thanks for the detailed reply.
    I’m not attempting to share negative information, just trying to share my exp.
    This topic just reminded me of what happened so, i thought it would be a good chance to get some clarity.
    Just leads to beg the answer to the question ‘undetectable’ when it was detected by whatever pubg uses.


    No worries, just making sure to keep things clear 🙂 PUBG uses systems that scan other running applications, not just what might interact with PUBG itself. These kinds of systems have an unfortunate track record of incorrect/wrong bans, heck I’ve gotten hit in the past by these kinds of systems for literally having the software for my gaming keyboard installed.

    I’m also not trying to argue that you got banned from PUBG because of Miqo running – just that it wasn’t a VAC is all

    edit – also just to say, it was probably the Auto-Hotkey (AHK) side of things in Miqo that would have displeased PUBG’s anti-cheat

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by kontu kontu.

    And this person is the example of why new features are slow to be released



    So i have been using Miqo on and off for almost a year now. It has been a little bit since i used it but I will likely buy another lic once this patch is done being deployed. Never had any problems and is simply a awesome tool. I Love it to death. If i could take it out on a date I would. But sadly this whole thing feels like a soccer mom at a restaurant complaining that the server didnt smile at here and would like her dining for free. I am struggling to not be disrespectful, but you knew the risks, if indeed something didnt go right. You took a gamble and you may have lost. The thing is this is not a casino, nor is it a food chain. This community does not owe you anything and the “Customer is always right” does not really apply here.

    Think of it like this. Lets say Miqo was a “dealer of substances”. You know your local laws prohibit these substances but you want to try it out anyway. You need a fix, an escape, something to break the monotony, whatever. You get your goods, and you drive off, take a quick hit and suddenly Red and blue!!! you keep it cool but alas the rookie on the beat makes you spend the night. couple weeks later after dealing with all the legal troubles, you go back to your dealer and say “man you said this stuff wouldnt mess me up so bad they could tell…” I want a REFUND. What exactly do you think a dealer would say/do? Im sure you have seen enough movies to know a rough idea how that would play out. Lucky for you this is not that kind of situation. Furthermore I think this community has given you more attention than you deserve. Now with that in mind, please kindly purchase a lic, or write your own bot.


    Leave our Miqo alone!



    Fun fact. And even in this scenario Miqo is still a dealer that gave a refund. This isn’t your ordinary trash alle dealer. This is a Premium quality hidden store dealer with semi-insurance.

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