best methods to make gil at the start of expansions?

Forum Forums Discussion best methods to make gil at the start of expansions?

This topic contains 20 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by Timray Timray 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #13975


    pretty much title, wondering if there are generally common ways to take advantage of new expansions when it comes to making gil,
    i wanna know what things i should work on atm so once miqo is up and running i can focus on ^-^

    Any ideas?











    should i wait till i finish MSQ to start though?



    MSQ unlocks zones, MSQ unlocks flying, MSQ unlocks npcs.


    From a rather chill perspective, I’m doing the following:

    1. Finish the MSQ.
    2. Get gathering up to 80.
    3. Make gil with gathering.
    4. Get crafting up to 80.
    5. Make gil with crafting and gathering.


    From a rather chill perspective, I’m doing the following:

    1. Finish the MSQ.
    2. Get gathering up to 80.
    3. Make gil with gathering.
    4. Get crafting up to 80.
    5. Make gil with crafting and gathering.

    Same here

    but i have to mention for gathering and crafting: waiting for Miqo to be resurected


    I’d say the best is FATEs -> exchaning gemstones for mats -> selling them. Did a million just today (2 hours or so).

    And… guys, do you really gather MANUALLY, while Miqo is offline? I’d have fallen asleep if I had to 😀 Besides, there is no ore and no herbs available with lvl70 MIN/BTN in Lakeland, and you need MSQ to gather in Kholusia / Amh Araeng anyway (because gathering w/o fly mount is such a masochism IMHO)?



    I’d say the best is FATEs -> exchaning gemstones for mats -> selling them. Did a million just today (2 hours or so).

    Any item that sells especially well?


    It fluctuates, as usual during the first days, I bet. Smilodon skins were selling really well, but now demand at our server seems to be satisfied, prices down to 6k per skin or so… I guess I keep my gems for now and watch other positions.

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Best way was to buy slowly before the ShB all glamours mats that were gonna dry once their drop place get obsolete and abandoned.
    There so many new players, and what they want is to look stunning from the start, they want glamour, so you have to sell the finished crafted items, and pick most trending ones.

    Best way was to buy slowly all primal mats each time they were low, and craft tons of weapons with sfx, what new player wants is a shiny weapon immediately, and the very first thing they see in MB after they drank their levelling potion, is shiny weapons for their job.

    Best way was to buy all super low exterior housing decoration items when they announced there’s no area restrictions for them any more. Slowly players are finding out right now that they finally can change their house look, and almost every single house owners are gonna want to change, and they started to buy them already.
    Since they’re not stackable items, it was easy to empty all markets and control prices, they cost too much in slots to most of players to store them for money. (Shirogane ones sell for half a million each, bitter players who got their house years before Shirogane opened).

    Crafting new housing items right now is also a good way, since they implemented the preview catalogue, players can now see immediately what’s new, and buy it way quicker than in the past.
    Especially crafting boost tables, as FC gonna want them for their users.

    Planting new seeds in pots to get all colours quick, to sell the head items, as well as flowers for lazy people who are just after clearing their crafting book.

    Send all your submarines, there’s a new stat for later, and new rare loot, keep an eye on what people will start to find and report in each zones, and target the good ones.

    You had to craft in advance all old 70 crafting kits for 3x leves, because when people start to level from 70, that’s the first thing they’re gonna use. It takes tons of slots to store, but they sell the first days for big prices.
    Once all sold, switch to new crafting kits based on 3x leves.

    You had to buy low all popular minions (shoulder ones, or ultra rare ones that will become even rarer like Absolute Virtue) and any mount, to sell them to new players who have none. Since they don’t stack, it’s easy to dry the market and control the prices if you choose to have an account that allow tons of mules with 8 retainers each.

    You had to buy low all materias that were gonna disappear (people were selling them for nothing and they stack!), and play them with Mutamix now that it is faster from second try, and now that it narrowed the results to only good ones.

    You had to buy low most trending and/or rare songs, and craft them, to sell them to new players, or returning players looking after completing their collection.

    Etc. etc. etc. be creative, there’s tons of ways.



    And… guys, do you really gather MANUALLY, while Miqo is offline? I’d have fallen asleep if I had to 😀 Besides, there is no ore and no herbs available with lvl70 MIN/BTN in Lakeland, and you need MSQ to gather in Kholusia / Amh Araeng anyway (because gathering w/o fly mount is such a masochism IMHO)?

    I do everything manual when theres something new. already have all my DoH/DoL 80 after i finish off gsm and arm within the hour and ill leave fSH for another day

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  eragon.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by  eragon.

    Well that’s the difference, I guess. Unlike Carl or you, I’d prefer programs (bots) to work instead of me – this is why I am interested in ways to make shiny coins which are a) automateable, and b) can be done 12 hours a day every day for months (unlike any of activities Carl described)…


    And… guys, do you really gather MANUALLY, while Miqo is offline? I’d have fallen asleep if I had to 😀 Besides, there is no ore and no herbs available with lvl70 MIN/BTN in Lakeland, and you need MSQ to gather in Kholusia / Amh Araeng anyway (because gathering w/o fly mount is such a masochism IMHO)?

    I do everything manual when theres something new. already have all my DoH/DoL 80 after i finish off gsm and arm within the hour and ill leave fSH for another day

    Same. BTN/MNR both at 80, and so is WVR/LWR/BSM and ALCH. Why even play the game if you just gonna let a robot do all the work? Im also manually gathering all the mats to level CUL/CRP.

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