Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User Protection

Forum Forums Discussion Asking the community: Thoughts on Open World Combat and User Protection

This topic contains 59 replies, has 44 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Bots live and die by their ability to hide in plain sight.

    Granted, there is only so much you, as a developer, can do to prevent detection on the end-user’s part and there is a large responsibility on the end-user’s part to use the tool in a safe manner that would prevent suspicion.

    How much do the Miqobot developers care about protecting their end users? My initial take is more than most developers considering this discussion post even exists.

    That being said.. I tend to take a safety leaning approach when it comes to these sorts of things. My general preference would be option 1. Minimal visibility is the best kind of safety net a botter can hope for.

    MSQ execution:
    Do we /really/ need an automated MSQ or Quest execution? Nothing shouts “bot” better than static routines, plus it would need to involve doing duties and that gets really sketchy when you’re involving unrelated people from a social and programmatic standpoint.
    Even that aside, in most cases people will buy a skip potion to jump to the latest expansion anyway.

    Quest execusion:
    Same as the MSQ execution.

    FATE grind:
    There are a few instances where FATE grinding is useful. Especially if you’re achievement hunting or looking for specific things, but given the huge resurgence in all of the alphabet soup named bots people are currently very sensitive to the presence of questing and mob hunting oriented bots.

    Materials Hunting:
    This is one I’m pretty torn on considering leatherworking requires a /lot/ of mats from mob drops, but there are in-game solutions for this via the retainers bringing specific materials back. It’s not ideal, but it does work well enough.

    Eureka Support:
    This one even more so with the “hiding in plain sight” except now instead of an open world where you might be seen, now you’re in a instance full of people and very visible. And this is coming from someone who still needs to slog through Eureka because I want some of the stuff from there. I prefer to not be seen and while I could just simply not use this feature if widespread usage from others adds to an existing problem it has the potential to put everyone in the line of fire.

    To that end though, I would rather support dev time being used instead for improving other “core” features. Aside from improvements to things that are already in development like 71+ support, trusts, and squadrons. It would be nice to have:
    An “advanced” mode for scenarios that allow for an if/then/else structure with comparison operators for Eorzean time, or the ability to utilize such a system to tell the Scenario routine to change to the next chapter or a specified chapter if certain criteria are met.
    Inventory space detection. If full, doAction or proceed to specified chapter and so on.
    Built-in retainer support so we can stop relying on sendkeys to manage them.
    Automated solo Palace/Heaven support similar to Squadrons.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by Cirno#9 Cirno#9.

    Option one for me. I don’t think it’s entirely necessary. MSQ is going to get compressed anyway from what they said in interviews so it would have to be redone depending on how much of the MSQ they get rid of. Anything else I have to say would just be repeating what everyone else is saying. Lower risk is better. Most of those features aren’t really needed. Miqo, to me is a super helpful assistant, not a replacement.

    Refunds for people knowingly risking themselves is just plain silly. Just mark in bold, hey by using this you understand you put yourself at risk and we are not to be held responsible.

    Still looking forward to Trust release. I would really like a way to pause for chat. Like a bindable toggle to pause Miqo from whatever she is doing, and retainer support. Much thanks to the ever hard working team ^^



    I don’t usually chime in for things but here is my feedback.
    – Automated Main Scenario Quest execution
    No, you have both the skip potion and combat assist (since you should be at your pc anyways)
    – Automated Quest execution
    I don’t want auto execution but if i have combat assist on i would love it if you have an option to click that would allow miqo to hand in a quest you have accepted if you have already clicked on a person who has a completed quest
    – FATE grind
    NO, NO, and NO.
    – Materials Hunting
    Combat assist and the scenario engine does it, but it is another easy way to get banned
    – Eureka Support
    ehhh, i’m on the fence about this one. It could go either way, but i lean more to the no side.
    – PVP
    Should never ever be considered.

    Personally however my priorities are:
    1. Global Chat Pause
    2. Trusts
    3. Getting the crafting solver updated with the new abilities (this is basically second but i wants trusts slightly more)
    4. QoL improvements like the ability to sort grids and stuff


    Just an interjection, because people seem to “hope” that we “might” get global auto-pause for all features and vendor support:

    Those features do not might get released, they will get released and currently both are pretty high on the priority list. So you don’t need to “hope” that they will come, but only wait until they come, because unless some weird reason for why these features should not get released comes up (which I can’t imagine happening), these features are definitely coming – and they are coming soon (in terms of Miqobot version release time). For instance, due to the high amount of requests recently, vendor support is very high on the priority list.

    Just to clarify something: The Miqobot development priority list is not set in stone and it might always change (even multiple times between 2 version releases) based on various factors (like community demand and other factors), but for the moment, as it is right now, vendor support is on the priority list very shortly after the release of Miqobot v1.3.29 (we are currently on v1.3.27).

    This still might change and vendor support could always be pushed further back, if for example it turns out to be more complicated to implement than it is expected right now, but that is the current state of priorities.

    Other than that I’m not going to disclose further information about the dev priorities for now, because we are planning to release an official feature roadmap after deciding on how to structure this roadmap in a publicly readable format, but for now this is all I really wanted to tell you, because I had the feeling, that you are not sure, if these features might come.


    This still might change and vendor support could always be pushed further back, if for example it turns out to be more complicated to implement than it is expected right now, but that is the current state of priorities.

    It’s just another interactive window with table of active elements, much like repair window or disenchant window. You learn to operate one of them – you learn to operate them all, and Miqo can do dis, reduct and repair already… It just requires some wrappings to let people set up a chain of elements to operate (i.e. choose option1 from table1, then option2 from table2 and so forth). I guess it has to be a scenario command with variable number of arguments… not sure if Miqo supports it tho.



    I’d much rather have open world safety/QoL features that reduce our current risk than implementing new functions that are even more riskier



    – Automated Main Scenario Quest execution: Hard pass. There are other programs that do this. Heck, S-E will do it for you if you pay them and you 500k right off the bat.
    – Automated Quest execution: Hard pass. There are other programs that do this.
    – FATE grind: Hard pass. The combat system does fine enough in easing a lot of tediousness of doing this to begin with.
    – Materials Hunting: I don’t have strong feelings on this but it seems smart to at least limit it.
    – Eureka Support: Hard pass. People are watching you.

    In short, Miqo isn’t that kind of bot. There are many, many other bot programs that do those things and do them well but I venture to guess the average Miqo user has little to no interest in those things or they would be using those instead. I always viewed this as a personal assistant to be used intelligently and privately, not as some kind of automatic ‘hit this button to win all things’ cheat. Miqo never struck me as a tool that was meant to be used a sledgehammer; these features will turn it into one.

    The only things that I feel sorely are lacking are things that I know are coming, so there’s nothing to do but check back every so often because I know they’re taking forever to come out because the Miqo team is being incredibly careful to not let their work get turned into yet another mindless bot army program.


    It’s just another interactive window with table of active elements, much like repair window or disenchant window. You learn to operate one of them – you learn to operate them all, and Miqo can do dis, reduct and repair already… It just requires some wrappings to let people set up a chain of elements to operate (i.e. choose option1 from table1, then option2 from table2 and so forth). I guess it has to be a scenario command with variable number of arguments… not sure if Miqo supports it tho.

    It is not that simple as you imagine it – at least not when it comes to Miqobot’s quality standard.

    Just to elaborate on what has to be done for vendor support, as Miqobot tech support explained it to me:

    – Make a list of all vendor types present in the game.
    – Research each type of vendor UI.
    – Identify how many categories, tabs, and items each vendor has.
    – Identify how to select quantity for each item.
    – Some items don’t have a quantity selector, so this has to be replaced with a repeatable cycle automatically.
    – Design a new scenario function.
    – Implement the necessary algorithms.
    – Test it with different vendor types.
    – Fix any bugs that come out.
    – Write a proper documentation for the new function.
    – Integrate documentation with the source code.

    It is indeed not a feature as complicated as crafting solver or combat, but it still isn’t just that simple as you put it.


    It is not that simple as you imagine it

    I don’t imagine – I just check the code of another bot. Its main addon is open-source… maybe it could serve as some inspiration for Miqo devs.

    – Make a list of all vendor types present in the game.
    – Research each type of vendor UI.
    – Identify how many categories, tabs, and items each vendor has.

    Maximalism FTW 🙂 Look, you don’t have to aim for absolutely universal and optimal code – we aren’t launching a rocket worth billions of bucks to Mars, right? I’d say: let’s start with some special case of interaction (most important/requested one), release it, and later expand to other areas (if needed). This, of course, raises the “where to start” question… so you might as well create another poll. Something tells me that scrip vendors and GC vendors will be in the top, while vendors which trade for gil (i.e. MOST vendors) won’t show up at all. I mean, for real, gil is almost unlimited – why make bot spend it while you sleep, when you can just wake up and spend it yourself? You can just prepare any vendor food/potions/etc in advance, in amounts large enough for any bot free run.


    I’m in favor of more features always. People need to understand that you use third party tools at your own risk. A feature I thought of is that, at least on wow, if they suspected you were botting, you get a tell from a GM. Maybe there could be some sort of audible alarm for when this or other features are done?

    Also, how’s Triple Triad going? Beating some of these people over and over to get their cards is tiresome.


    Maybe there could be some sort of audible alarm for when this or other features are done?


    Forgot to add it to my own wish list, hehe… Though, I’d say ANY tell should raise some kind of alarm, just GM tell has to be a loud siren to wake up bot owner in milliseconds 😀



    Is the current plan to release new features one by one or will there be a large update with many changes?



    Personally I don’t want any of MSQ, Fate, Material hunting, PvP, and Eureka. I use Miqobot because I feel safe. Safety is the most important for me.



    Tell / Emote / Say Alert, these are all things we need

    Hell even the fleeing AI hasn’t been implemented, I say we scrap most of the stuff in the original post and reprioritise


    Maximalism FTW 🙂

    Yes, that is the very nature of Miqobot. Every feature is carefully developed and made very elaborate, to be highly functional and easy to use, for high QoL.


    Other than that, I guess it is time to conclude this debate.
    We have gathered a lot of input from the community and it was quite productive.
    The Miqobot Dev Team is also very grateful and pleased with the results of this debate.

    We now have a lot of data from over 40 different opinions, which helps us a lot in our priority planning and feature development plans. With that said, please look forward to future releases. Your input meant a lot to us 🙂

    Thanks a lot for partaking in this debate.

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