9x Retainer Reassign Scenario

Forum Forums Grids and Presets 9x Retainer Reassign Scenario

This topic contains 24 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  gizmoneil 2 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #30048

    I also have 10 retainers.. I’ve never edited (or made) a script/scenario, are you able to tell me where in the text file I’d place it? I’d assume near the end, but it isn’t spaced out nicely like yours it. To me it just looks like a jumbled mess and I’m having issues telling where one part part begins and another ends lol. xD

    \/\/move left\r\nkey(num0, 1.0) \/\/confirm\r\nkey(num8, 1.0) \/\/move up\r\nkey(num2, 1.0) \/\/move down\r\nkey(num0, 1.0) \/\/confirm\r\nkey(num0, 1.0) \/\/confirm\r\n\r\n\/\/quit\r\nkey({esc}, 1.0) \/\/close ui\r\nkey(num0, 3.0) \/\/confirm”,”\/\/prevent kick from AFK\r\n\r\nkey({esc}, 1.0) \/\/close ui\r\nafkFor(00:21)\r\nicon(7,1)\r\nafkFor(00:21)\r\nicon(7,1)\r\nafkFor(00:21)\r\nicon(7,1)\r\n\r\nrepeatAll(100)”]}

    That’s just the last few parts of the text file that I copied pasted. Would it go…. before the \r\n\r\nrepeatAll(100)]} part? Or would it go before the \/\/close ui\r\nkey(num0, 3.0) \/\/confirm”? That spot also looks… possible. O_O



    Doi… add it to the scenario itself and not to the text file. XD Silly moment for me, sorry I get plenty of those.



    (9:55:26 PM) Switch Control Settings to Legacy Type, please. :3

    what do i do?



    (9:55:26 PM) Switch Control Settings to Legacy Type, please. :3

    what do i do?

    Just go to Character configuration And in the very front part that pops up the very first setting is “Movement Settings”, select the second radio button.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by  spellure.


    Doi… add it to the scenario itself and not to the text file. XD Silly moment for me, sorry I get plenty of those.

    What you have to do is import it in to your miqobot first. Don’t open the download file that they linked.
    Then you go to miqobot > click on the share button > and it lets you import from there (follow the import/export link someone posted above).
    Then it’ll show up under your scenarios tab. Click on the scenario then you can click on the little plus at the top (next to “finish”, “Next” and “?”), this adds another “chapter” to the scenario. You can paste what I sent you there and it should keep the pretty format 🙂

    Sry i forgot to respond for soooo long.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by  spellure.


    Doi… add it to the scenario itself and not to the text file. XD Silly moment for me, sorry I get plenty of those.

    What you have to do is import it in to your miqobot first. Don’t open the download file that they linked.
    Then you go to miqobot > click on the share button > and it lets you import from there (follow the import/export link someone posted above).
    Then it’ll show up under your scenarios tab. Click on the scenario then you can click on the little plus at the top (next to “finish”, “Next” and “?”), this adds another “chapter” to the scenario. You can paste what I sent you there and it should keep the pretty format 🙂

    Sry i forgot to respond for soooo long.

    really appreciate this ! quick and simple! and helps with editing other scenarios.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by  Feand.


    hello thank you for the scenario I was having some issues with it and I did some fixes on it and it’s faster than the old one so here’s the last updated one 🙂

    Cheers all and have a good day,

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Hey so your scenario works the 1st time and then an hour later doesn’t seem to work… do you have an update for this perhaps ?



    Okay so I fixed it if anyone is wondering the issue was on the final chapter.. The afkFor should all add up to 61 mins so that the process doesn’t run before the retainers are done with their venture.

    I made 4 chunks of 15, 16, 15, 16 Mins before the whole process runs again.

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