1.3.34 is AWESOME

Forum Forums Discussion 1.3.34 is AWESOME

This topic contains 36 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by LutBot LutBot 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #22504


    Just a thank you to staff for the amazing work!! I rarely use the crafting now, but the combat update is incredible! <3



    Been using the new crafting, and although the wait was long, it was worth it. I tried some expert crafts, and with melds just slightly above the mnimum stats, plus cheap Stormblood crafting food, i came out to 3 failed (below threshold) crafts, 5 Tier 1 crafts, 19 Tier 2 crafts and 35 Tier 3 crafts (6k+ collectability).

    I’ve noticed some weirdness, like miqo blowing CP by observing 5 times in a row to fish for a Good condition, to then use ToT and go back to observing to fish for another Good to then also ToT, but in the end, it averages to a pretty good haul.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  Krude.
    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    The new crafting solver is once again amazing, so fast, so efficient.

    So far I’ve tested it only for Ishgard expert recipes, out of 100 craft, only 10% ended up below the minimum quality threshold, and that’s only because of very bad RNG from what I can tell, so it was totally expected on those special recipes and is part of that specific content.

    It just took me 110 craft in order to deliver 100 good ones, with quite a lot at max quality, sorry I didn’t took note of how many, but with 100 delivered craft I got a total of 70 000 points.

    Miqo only need on average about 42 steps and 2min to finish those expert craft, it’s way faster than what I was expecting.

    I can’t wait to test it on regular 80*** recipes now.

    I’m very glad we got that update before 5.3, I think I’m gonna ask Miqo to do 2000 craft instead of the 800 I planned for that content, this is so efficient and so easy with Miqo, and just one button to click, no prerequisites, can’t be more user friendly and easy.

    Thanks Miqo, this is impressive, it saves me so many hours.



    re: the observation fishing, it’s actually a decent strategy. one of the most reliable rotations (albeit incredibly slow) used observation fishing to push out max/near max experts. I used this strategy a bit and often had 200+ CP left over by the time I was ready to use Byregot’s.


    Regarding to crafting, using the 4:1 ratio and Manip + inno yields great results. Only did a handful of synths to test it out (already have the pteratodon), and I think only one ended up with very low quality (think 4500 or so, barely enough to turn in), but the rest were great, with very high collect.

    Only issue I ran into is when I tried out Waste Not (I know miqo said it isnt recommended, but still wanted to try it), where it got stuck trying to solve for over 10 minutes (stopped keeping track after 10 minutesand Lol). My PC has a gen 8 i8700 CPU and 16GB ram

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by LutBot LutBot.

    So far using food and LVL 80 great gear, innovation with the 80*** recipes for skybuilders’ I am not getting the 4500 collectability that I should be. Should I put collect on even tho it isn’t needed? What am I doing wrong?



    Make sure all your DOH skills are placed in the hotbars. I have bis and food and miqo keeps getting <4500 collectability for ishgard*** and it was driving me nuts until i noticed i have a few missing skills in the hotbar, the solver wont actually tell you what is missing and will try to adjust. After placing the missing skills in the hotbar i manage to consistently get 5500-max collectability even without food.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by  MrZar.


    So far using food and LVL 80 great gear, innovation with the 80*** recipes for skybuilders’ I am not getting the 4500 collectability that I should be. Should I put collect on even tho it isn’t needed? What am I doing wrong?

    In the patch notes Miqobot suggested:

    For level 80** and 80*** recipes: CP 4:1 + Innovation + Manipulation.


    So far using food and LVL 80 great gear, innovation with the 80*** recipes for skybuilders’ I am not getting the 4500 collectability that I should be. Should I put collect on even tho it isn’t needed? What am I doing wrong?

    Make sure hasty, manip, rapid synth, precise, prudent, and patient touch are all in your hotbars. You also need to tick manipulation on miqo, its a huge step needed for the expert synths.


    All that is done. Still having problems maybe it is my gear or something else?


    All that is done. Still having problems maybe it is my gear or something else?

    Well gear is definely gonna influence your results, along with food/teas.



    All that is done. Still having problems maybe it is my gear or something else?

    Do you have at least 550CP (or more)? Eat some food to get 550+, every point beyond 550cp helps. With lousy scrip gear and melded accessories, I managed to hit bare minimum to craft them but it was only at 550 – 570cp (using Blood Bouillabaisse) that I started getting much better results. Still got quite a few duds, but some 10% – 15% losses are amazing considering I would never even dream of crafting them before this update.

    Great job team Miqo!


    Pretty sure good CP starts at around 600+. Im surprised Miqo can pull that off with less.



    I’m surprised too! Since I’m really late to the game, I did not invest in crafting gear as ppl tell me 5.3 is due for a crafter gear tier upgrade anyway. I wasn’t expecting to craft any expert receipes, so its a testament to how good Miqo is? 🙂

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    All that is done. Still having problems maybe it is my gear or something else?

    With food, I have 2490/2278/607, and this yield 90% of Ishgard expert craft beyond 4500 quality threshold (accurate % coming from now over 200 craft).

    It’s between double and pentameld, but cheap ones, so I’m far from hitting the maximum possible for those stats, except for CP.

    Check if your gear is near that or not, try to aim for those stats, max out CP, it’s cheap and easy. Tools are only triple meld, cause too many tools. Focus meld on the shared pieces of gear.

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