This one posted a page ago worked fine for me in DT 7.15.
Just had to remember to unsync first, select holm, bind duty finder to a keyboard key (I’ve been using ‘U’), and switch to keyboard input.
Then just make sure no chats are open, character is idle, and making sure the duty finder page is still on holm (with all the different expansion sections closed).
Once all that’s good, make sure duty finder is closed and then run the following:
sendKey(u, 2)
key(alt+num*, 1) //wake up cursor
key(, 1) //cycle up
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
sendKey(num2, 0.5) //cycle down
key(NUM6) //select join
key([) //confirm
afkFor(00:00:5) //duty pop
key(alt+num*, 1) //wake up cursor
key(NUM0) //commence left
key([) //confirm
//dutypop -> start dungeon
This reply was modified 1 week ago by
lkj32h4klj. Reason: Updated instructions
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