Your favourite things about Miqobot

Forum Forums Discussion Your favourite things about Miqobot

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  greenbeets1 4 years, 4 months ago.

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    We all know Miqobot is the best bot out there for FFXIV. But what are your favourite things about her? What, in your opinion, makes Miqo the best FFXIV bot there is?

    My favourite selling points, in no particular order:

    • No extra fees, at all, whatsoever, at any time – once you have a license, you have the full functionality of the bot, plus any and all future features added during your time using it.
    • Low price – $10 for a full month, and as mentioned above, you get everything for those $10. Absolutely well worth the price!
    • Active (and interactive) dev team and a live community – you can make suggestions and requests here on the forums and the devs pay attention and respond to you. Same goes for asking for help, I’ve never even had to wait a single day for a reply.
    • A lot of features, especially considering the low price! Even ignoring the scenario engine, there’s gathering, fishing, spearfishing, custom navigation paths for all three of those, crafting, desynthesis, 3D entity radar, FATE radar, PotD radar, combat assistance, chocobo racing, and GS minigame farming. And that’s just the features I know how to use, I never did figure out the treasure hunt thing.
    • A scripting engine, for custom scenarios – including the ability to wait for/until some time, teleport around, move to points on a navgrid, fine-tune settings for other automated actions, and even manually trigger keybinds and actions in case there isn’t a function for what you want. If it gets conditionals or full flow control at some point, you could probably have Miqo play half the game for you; automating dungeon farming would be as easy as turning on combat assist and writing a scenario to move to the next area once all enemies are dead. As it is now, you can tour the world for fishing without even touching the game yourself. You don’t even need to be a programmer to use it!
    • Licenses are NOT per-machine. You can save your license to a file that’s only valid on that machine, but you can still put in your license key on another machine, in case you play across multiple computers for any reason.
    • Support for multiple instances of the game, too! On the monitor tab, you can tell Miqobot to attach to a specific instance, in case you have a beefy machine and want to run two characters at once.
    • The interface is, for the most part, so simple and easy as to be self-explanatory. You go to the fishing tab, you probably know what everything there does. Same for the crafting/gathering sections. And if you don’t know something, you can ask on the forums here and either another user or the devs themselves will help you out.
    • Export/import – you can create a navigation grid or a preset for just about anything Miqo can do, and then export it to a shareable file that other people can import. If you don’t want to build your own nav paths for something, someone probably has one already, and if not there are people who take requests too.

    And also, just a personal bit I like, the presets are all stored in plain text, with a self-explanatory format. Thanks to that, I’ve written my own organisation program for them; I can close Miqo, run my organiser, and open Miqo back up, and know that all of my presets and paths are sorted according to my own criteria, and minor cleanup tweaks have been automated for things like generated naming conventions.

    If the devs see this, thank you for all the time and effort you’ve put into making Miqobot the best FF14 bot out there. Your work is amazing, and I know it takes a lot of effort. Thank you.

    To everyone else, what are your favourite features in Miqobot?


    One of my favorite features? Being open about progress. (Such as the vote over an 80 dungeon VS crafting upgrades.) Also, I like that it doesn’t inject, and also doesn’t allow you to do illegal things. I don’t bot because I want to break the game – I bot because I have disabilities that make it harder to keep up with regular players.



    I like that it has probably the most reliable crafting solution, now that ACME is dead. No injection is nice. And in ShB i learned to love the combat assist.


    Honestly just love how well-integrated it all is. No paying separately for modules that don’t always work together, etc. It’s fairly intuitive, and quite elegant in how it operates. The fact it doesn’t inject code into the game and relies solely on keyboard inputs makes me feel secure enough in it’s behavior to even use it on my main character to begin with.

    The combat assist is especially robust, and the crafting solver is actually quite useful since the recent updates and really help simplify matters without having to juggle a handful of various macros.

    Even the more ancillary functions are great, like squadron leveling and chocobo racing/Gold Saucer minigames.

    I think the biggest selling point is how active and responsive Miqo team is along with everyone else here on the forums. The grids and scenarios everyone shares here have been great to use and build off.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by jimjankins jimjankins. Reason: spelling

    Also, I like that it doesn’t inject, and also doesn’t allow you to do illegal things. I don’t bot because I want to break the game – I bot because I have disabilities that make it harder to keep up with regular players.

    I’ve never been a fan of illegal/game-breaking hacks either, yeah. And I do like that it’s technically-safe (although you always have to worry about socially-safe no matter what bot you use) even though SE doesn’t seem to be cracking down on that kind of thing.

    The combat assist is especially robust, and the crafting solver is actually quite useful since the recent updates and really help simplify matters without having to juggle a handful of various macros.

    I forgot to mention it in my OP, but I also love the crafting solver. I can just pick a recipe, punch in a quantity, and hit go. Miqo will figure out how to craft as much of it in HQ as possible, and take care of all of it on her own! I’ve not really used the combat assist much, though. What do you usually use it for, running dungeons/trials/raids to farm?


    >What do you usually use it for, running dungeons/trials/raids to farm?

    Correct, and for anything short of savage content, it is plenty fine. It’s not 100% optimized in every single case, but it’s more than competent and allows you to concentrate on encounter mechanics and avoiding damage.



    I just started playing with patch 5.2, And because it automates grinding(Squadron Dungeons and Leveling Crafting) while I work, I’have been able to level all may jobs to 60(Crafters 80) and experience their story, not even on ShB yet but I can catch up to people that has been playing for months and with Combat Assist I can pick any job at any time without getting confused by the diverse amount of skills and mechanics.


    used miqo to grind and sell mats. was able to buy my first house today.
    thank u miqo XOXO



    The following are things that I really like about Miqo

    1. It’s not an injectable program
    2. Combat assist & Squadron runs
    3. Crafting & Gathering

    I think the a few things below can be improved:

    1. Expanding miqo bot interface and not just a pop-up box
    2. More/Updated guides on understanding/creating of scenarios and alike

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