Would love to see level 57 – 60 dungeons in the squadrons

Forum Forums Discussion Would love to see level 57 – 60 dungeons in the squadrons

This topic contains 8 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  edgedy 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    The gap from the lvl 53 Sohm Al to the lvl 71 Holminster Switch is huge. Leveling to 71 with multiple classes takes quite a bit with just Sohm Al. If theres a technical reason why they’re not included or if this has already been brought up, I apologize.

    Thank you guys for all you do 🙂


    We haven’t discovered any viable alternatives to (Lv53) Sohm Al.

    • (Lv60) dungeons give -32% of Sohm Al experience and thus are not efficient.
    • (Lv57) The Vault gives +3.6% experience boost, but the wipe rate becomes extremely high due to many mechanics hitting your character for 90% HP.

    If you have any other ideas, we are open to suggestions.



    Flat 50-60-70 Dungeons do not give good experience, only the in-between numbers (say 50 to 60)

    This is why because Squadrons can only go up to 60, the dungeons at the end yield crap experience in comparison with an in-between dungeon.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by  Andylynyn.


    Actually, I’d like to revisit this. I’ve talked about it before from the idea of leveling, however with Bozja and the memory farm it’d be nice to have an alternative to Antitower spamming. While faster than going with squadron, if we’re going to be doing it many many times for multiple weapons it’d be nice to automate, regardless of the fact it’s slower. If you could implement Pharos Sirius (hard) that’d be very appreciated. I did it a few times for the memories before I realized that antitower was faster, yet if I could just get miqo to do it then I wouldn’t mind the extra time.


    Of course, we would be glad to implement an intermediate dungeon support, if this is what the community requires.
    However, we can not work on all features at once, so we have to choose which one to implement next. At the moment we are preparing Level 80 Rotations for release. If you think that we should shift the development focus towards another feature, please create a dedicated thread and we will discuss it further.



    Of course, we would be glad to implement an intermediate dungeon support, if this is what the community requires.
    However, we can not work on all features at once, so we have to choose which one to implement next. At the moment we are preparing Level 80 Rotations for release. If you think that we should shift the development focus towards another feature, please create a dedicated thread and we will discuss it further.

    I would say it holds a lower priority than Lv80/endgame content, endgame rotation holds more value.



    I’ve been waiting for the 80 combat rotations for a good while now, yet I know what I’m pushing whenever the next vote comes up as it’s still current content and there’s a good few jobs so any way to automate even one of the tasks would be highly welcome.


    Just some perspective here – I’ve leveled 6 alternative combat jobs using what exists today. It takes roughly a day from 70-80
    If you run 3/4 roulettes you will get 71

    For lower levels there are a few observations I’d share. While slow, keep in mind that your 100% afk.. it’s VERY good for a few reasons

    1. Leveling ancillary game systems such as:
    – Desynth – great for leveling your desynth as you level and great for crafting mats you can stockpile or sell
    – GC turn ins (and useful material outputs – ventures, prisms, things to stockpile to sell in next release)
    – A few minions that are not really rare but are still purchased



    53 dungeon is good. Not only is the clear rate fast with double archer (~17 minutes) reclear but the grand company turn in is self sufficient, meaning if you loot chests you’ll never run out of seals.

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