Will I get banned?

Forum Forums Discussion Will I get banned?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  AirForceOne 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    So, today I was chopping some lvl 80 log for 2hours. I just saw someone sent me a “Lali Ho” <,< obviously, I didnt reply since I was botting… it’s stressing me out now uwu what do I do? xD I don’t know why I made the post but I just had to share it!


    To answer the title of the post, probably not if you’re botting smart. Two hours of woodchopping is something inconspicuous enough that no one would probably care. Of course you want to try not to walk away from the computer when botting just to keep an eye on things, but I’ve been using Miqobot for possibly over a year now and have let it go overnight before with no problem.

    If you find yourself getting really worried about it, I would suggest maybe botting on a less populated server to avoid as many eyes as possible. Then maybe also learn how the navigation grids work and dabble in making and modifying them yourself to better suit your needs and seem more “real.” (Sometimes that just means adding a few more branches or changing a few waypoints! c:)

    But, overall, I wouldn’t worry at all unless you’ve got the bot running on the same grid for like 12+ hours STRAIGHT. There are plenty of reasons why someone could miss a tell or an emote. Maybe the chat box is going too fast! Maybe you’re watching Netflix at the same time! Maybe you just have tell noises turned off and you’re really just not looking! As long as you don’t mention Miqobot or something no one can prove you’re using it.



    I’d still advice you not step away while botting for the next week or so in case a GM tries to verify that you aren’t botting. I don’t think a single report is enough to warrant action from SE but no one really knows, so better safe than sorry, especially if you’re like me and have put in thousands of hours of your own time into your character.

    I’ve been botting exessively for the past 3 months, but what I do is the following: any botting that requires my character to be outside in the world (i.e. gathering) I only do while I’m at the computer. I also have a chat tab that only shows emotes, whispers, and /say so that if anyone tries to talk to me I never miss it. And then while I’m away/sleeping, I either run squadrons or craft at the inn/squadron barracks. Nothing has happened so far and sometimes I’ve been online without AFKing for over 100 hours straight.

    As for the small servers comment from rem, I’d be wary, smaller servers have less people but those people tend to be a lot more casual and friendly, so they’re more likely to try talking to you imo. I’m in (…) and I honestly cannot remember the last time someone even tried talking to me while gathering/doing fates etc.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by Miqobot Miqobot. Reason: Please be careful about your server
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