Why is Waste Not, not recommended?

Forum Forums Discussion Why is Waste Not, not recommended?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Ayer 3 years, 8 months ago.

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    Why is it that waste not is not a recommended skill when it comes to using the crafting solver?



    crafting is such a big brain thing that i still dont get most of the stuff lol

    waste not ii and manipulation are almost the same thing, except that manipulation is regarded to be better coz you don’t waste any of the buff stacks when you want to use buffs (steps that dont reduce durability) or ToT (miqo loves to Hasty + ToT)
    also in most of my crafting solvers’ cases they dont seem to use waste not anyway (miqo says it only increases HQ rate by 0.5%) so its a waste of extra time needed to solve the recipe



    Waste Not in general is not a very good skill. It is only CP efficient when you can use dura-consuming abilities every turn it is up which is usually not possible. Even when I’m manually crafting, I never use it.

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