Using the bot for big fish

Forum Forums Discussion Using the bot for big fish

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  lorque 2 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #37446

    Serpentine Storm

    I’m contemplating to get this bot, but before I do, I want to know something.
    I want to use it specifically to help me catch a specific big fish.

    I saw you can set weather and time conditions for it, which is great
    But the fish I want to catch requires swapping bait during a specific time window.
    As in, use one type of bait until you catch a specific fish to trigger fisher’s intuition, which lasts for a minute.
    During that time, I need to swap to a different type of bait.

    Is that something this bot can do?

    The fish I’m trying to catch is Namitaro, if that helps. It’s the last fish I need for a quest and it’s taken me many hours already.
    I’m only interested in this bot if it can help me with this.


    I’m not sure if this is possible, and I doubt it, but Miqobot can certainly help you to catch it.

    All you have to do is the following:
    0. Set up an ACT trigger to give you a sound notification whenever you receive the Fisher’s Intuition buff or when you catch a Giant Takitaro (which triggers intuition)
    1. Use any big fish tracker like Carbuncleplushy or GatherBuddy (Dalamud Plugin) to check when Giant Takitaro is up / go to its fishing spot whenever there are thunderstorms or thunder as weather
    2. Equip Glowworms, set Miqo to ignore small and medium tugs and use Chum, start Miqobot fishing (as long as there are thunderstorms/thunder) and tab out of the game to do whatever you want
    3. Pause Miqobot and tab back into the game when ACT gives you a notification that you got the intuition buff, quickly reel in your fishing line, switch to Topwater Frogs, unpause Miqo and let the bot do its thing for as long as you have intuition
    4. If you catch Namitaro, congrats, if not, go back to step 2

    Shouldn’t be too hard to catch that fish. Iirc it was one that I caught with Miqobot, and I’m only missing 15 or so fish for the Big Fish title (most of them are Stormblood & Shadowbringers fish with absurd requirements or super rare windows).


    Yea its possible. These are the functions youre looking for.

    • setFishNoIntuitionBait() – Bait to equip when no Fisher’s Intuition.
    • setFishIntuitionBait() – Bait to equip when Fisher’s Intuition is active.


    This bot can catch big fish like the Namitaro but for more difficult big fish that where added in latter expansions it is missing the functionality that would allow it to be more effective (animation canceling chum with collectors glove, surface slapping to increase odds, counting fish caught to pre-prep fish eyes for a window, holding onto a fish with the collectability interface till the proper window is available, using identical catch to hold a fish till the right window is available or more gp has regened, using the cast time to ignore casts). Despite these missing advanced features there probably only 3-4 fish an expansion that would be significantly helped with these and you should still be able to catch them if you put a lot more time into it.

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