Two feature requests – gathering and crafting collectibility

Forum Forums Discussion Two feature requests – gathering and crafting collectibility

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by kontu kontu 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    There’s two features related to collectible crafting and gathering I’d love to see –

    One is with gathering, we already have it with fishing, where it requires a minimum collect value for a fish. I’d love to see this available on all gathering, so that when someone is gathering for scrip turn ins their inventory doesn’t get clogged with items with a collectible value too low. So if I could make my gatherer preset only collect collectible if over X rating, and otherwise gather as a normal item instead

    Second is with crafting – I’d love to be able to set a collectability value that once reached, it just finishes the progress. This way I can craft something for scrip turn ins that might only need 460 collectability instead of the max value possible.


    Yes, additional collectability settings for gathering and crafting are already planned.
    Currently they are classified as Quality-of-Life improvements, therefore new combat features are of higher priority. But we will try to push some QoL upgrades into one of the upcoming betas.

    Thank you for your request!


    Awesome 🙂 There’s no rush, just wasn’t sure it was something that had been requested before

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