Triple Triad farm

Forum Forums Discussion Triple Triad farm


This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 6 years, 9 months ago.

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    1. This is an amazing thing…I remember having a diablo 2 bot on dial up it was a nightmare to configure everything and then you still get banned. Great job here, this is perfect cause I can half-play at work sometimes so this makes my dreams come true!

    2. I know nothing about programming or how any of this works but would it be hard to implement something where it just starts a triple triad match, choose deck, then afk while game auto-places cards until end?

    I usually play it like that anyways and it seems to win about 70% of the time vs my current farm which is indolent imperial. Problem is I have beaten him well over 300 times and still can’t get last card.

    I would very much like this feature! I’m only on free trial now. As soon as it runs out I will be purchasing 100%. I really love how everything is cute and it even talks to you <3 tyty


    Triple Triad is already planned for an upcoming update.


    Yes, Triple Triad is already planned 🙂
    We will be working on it after release of the Combat system.

    Thank you for your request!

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