Toon falls from Sky

Forum Forums Discussion Toon falls from Sky

This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by LutBot LutBot 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    I’m watching my toon from a different account and every time going From fly waypoint to foot waypoint,
    it looks like he falls from the sky, and if the fly to foot angle is real sharp he will fall really slow.

    Can anyone else see this or is it just me?


    Not sure i understand as what you describe seems pretty normal. Miqo flies along the navigation lines you give her. If the pathways vertical she switches to falling by clicking the dismount icon. I guess depending on ping it may look somewhat different from other accounts.
    What do you expect to see instead?



    Agreed, its generally called latency/lag. Since other character’s positional updates aren’t as critical as their actions, they aren’t updated as frequently, I assume? Happens most of the time when two players are trying to face one another, you wind up walking inside/through the other.

    Everyone should look the same unless they land and then wait like a full 2 seconds or so to dismount.


    Yes i understand lag and things, but lets say normal toons including mine fall lets say about 8 to 15 feet. I see that all the time.
    That is not the issue. What is, is when the toon looks to fall from 30-60 feet in a seemingly straight vertical line to the foot WP.
    I watch my toon, to check the route, off and on to see this behavior and others farming the same area do not do this from my perspective. I’m having to backtrak and change 100’s of my routs from a fly to foot WP to a fly to fly or fly to mount WP then to foot. I’ve had people wisper me asking if i’m a bot because of this issue, they say they also see me falling from the sky in a straight line. Luckily I always watch when botting and just reply “maybe they are having lag spikes”. I’m sorry but I do not know how to capture a video of it happening. If you watch your toon from another you will see if you have Fly to Foot WP-WayPoints.

    Please if someone else with a second FFXIV account could verify what i’m talking about.
    Luckily my wife plays and I use hers 🙂


    Ive checked several routes with fly to foot from various perspectives and havent noticed anything unusual. Could you show an example of grid that gives you trouble?



    This is what OP is referring to, and it’s totally common. It’s server latency/lag, and ost gatherers already know about it and will get a good chuckle out of an interesting vid clip. No biggie, don’t sweat it, anyone who gathers isn’t likely to report you when they see it 😛



    Hm, I haven’t seen that. That might be from a time while they were being hit with DDoS attacks.

    Regardless, if you don’t want it to happen, your best bet is to put down a few foot waypoints in front of the gathering node. Or just accept it as a reality of MMORPGs. It’s no fault of the bot and you are able to solve the “problem” if you wish.


    Ok Thank you very much for the video SefirosuKurau
    That was what I see my toon do.
    Never seen it before so it had me worried.
    Thought it was the bot but if its seen by others i can stop tripping about it.
    Again thank you very much


    Oh man haha I see this all the time when Im bottong ( I have two accounts, my “main” and one I exclusively use for botting. I always watch my bot alt doing this and I used to worry about getting reported for botting Lol Luckily I always watch it so even if reported I can always reply to the GM. I havent had a single instance of getting reported tho or even people sending whispers if I am botting.

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