Titanium Ingots

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Titanium Ingots


This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  machinebreakfast 5 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #9652

    OK, This scenario will make you Titanium Ingots. From start to finish, starting anywhere. So what the scenario does is
    1)teleport to the nearest Aetheryte needed
    2)Goes to the nearest NPC mender and repairs
    3)Flys off to where the resource to be gathered
    -Titanium Ore, mines for 5 30min segments. (mines Fire Crystal when Titanium isn’t there)
    -Iron Ore, mines for 1 30min segment.
    -Grenade Ash, mines for 1 30min segment.
    -Cloud Mica, mines for 4 30min segents.
    4)teleports to Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks and runs to the NPC mender and repairs
    5)Makes as many Titanium Nuggets as possible
    6)Makes as many Titanium Ingots as possible.
    7)Starts over from the beginning

    If your wondering why 2.5 hours titanium ore, because you need 5 titanium ore, 1 iron ore, and 1 grenade ash to make 1 titanium nugget. Same with why it mines 2 hours of Cloud Mica, because it needs 4 cloud mica and 1 titanium ingot. I may need to increase the time mining titanium ore because sometimes the ore isn’t there, but on the plus side its mining the fire crystals you need anyway.

    Thanks to
    Ai, for his Iron Ore grid.
    siin830 for his modified Mochi’s Grids Pack 1.2 for the Titanium Ore (Hidden).
    captainblunt for his Grenade Ash
    megatron for his Cloud Mica
    Minor modifications to each of their navigational grids. I like to always have waypoint 0 at the NPC mender near the Aetheryte stone, added some beacons, and renamed the grids.

      !*!*! IMPORTANT !*!*!

    1)You need to be able to fly in The Dravanian Forelands and The Churning Mist.
    2)Hotkey 1 is set for food, you can either modify the scenario, put food in hotkey 1 slot, or leave hotkey 1 slot empty.

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    Great Scenario. You can buy the iron ore/grenade ash off Vendors tho, potentially shaving an hour from your scenario. Both items can be bought In Limsa Lominsa as well.


    Great scenario, what do people need titanium ingots for in general? Just wondering if I’m missing out on something I can be profiting from!


    Great scenario, what do people need titanium ingots for in general? Just wondering if I’m missing out on something I can be profiting from!

    Submarine parts/Rowenna turn ins for scrips… only thing I can think of Lol.



    The scenario keeps turning off Prospect whenever it turns to Miner. I have Compass and Compass II turned on, is there something I am missing?

    Nevermind, I had propsect in key 1. Fixed it.

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