Tips/advice when using miqobot

Forum Forums Discussion Tips/advice when using miqobot

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  LegendaryWeapon 2 years, 7 months ago.

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    So this is my first time using it. What would you recommend me to do while using it? Like good habits vs bad habits, where to use it (for example I heard housing zones are tracked by GMs to avoid crafting bots, idk if that’s true but better prevent than regret), if I should DC/World travel or not. That kind of stuff you can say from your experience



    The only risk is bot-like behavior. So avoid Gold Saucer unattended for long periods. (~20 races maximum)

    Everything else I’ve never seen anyone get in trouble unless the bot gets stuck and then a player reports.



    I like going inside my GC barracks if I have Miqo spam dungeons/trusts or crafting. Just some little bit of isolation away from prying eyes. Try using Combat Assist with the AI first to see how it looks and works before using it publicly. A tank wouldn’t use a gap closer on enemies he’s pulling behind him or something like that, so there are abilities you will want to trigger manually.

    Like buddy said, try not to look like you are using a bot.

    For example, there is this user that has been standing at golden saucer games for like 4 days straight with a busy icon. Don’t do that.

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