Teleport using Aertheryte broken?

Forum Forums Discussion Teleport using Aertheryte broken?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Archimedes Archimedes 3 years, 2 months ago.

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    Hi, I’m trying to automate Maelstrom/Limsa turn-ins. However, I can’t seem to teleport via the main crystal to the aftcastle. When I use teleportNpc(1-5) next to the main aetheryte, it stands there and loops opening and closing the menu. Does anyone have a way of getting to the aftcastle from the Limsa main plaza?

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by  FrogChamp.

    Yes, there is a new Aethernet UI introduced in Patch 6.0 that is not supported yet. We will have to research and reimplement this feature in order to fix the issue.


    You can use the city aetherites manually in a scenario with keystrokes. Use your “Move cursor down/Cycle down through Party List” keybind to cycle down to the entry you want, then your Confirm keybind to select it. Your Confirm keybind can also be used to select the Aetherite and open the initial menu.
    I typically use a delay of 1 on the Key calls to be safe.
    So if you’re standing next to an Aetherite, you want to travel to option 3 in the Aetherite menu, and let’s say your Confirm keybind is 8 and your Cycle keybind is 9, it would be:

    key(8, 1) //select aetherite
    key(8, 1) //activate aetherite
    key(8, 1) //select the “Aetherite” menu item
    key(9, 1) //scroll down to destination option 2
    key(9, 1) //scroll down to destination option 3
    key(8, 1) //select destination option 3
    afkFor(00:00:5) //pause while loading. adjust as needed

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