Target NPC & Buy

Forum Forums Discussion Target NPC & Buy

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #8174


    Hey there! It would be nice, if Miqo could Target a NPC by Name(Just like the GC Seal delivery guy, repair npc and scrips npc) and scroll down the list, till it arrives on the listed item.

    This would be such a good QoL Feature.

    Would be like this.
    My Game Language is on german, so I am not sure what the english names are.

    TargetNPC(Scrips) //Target and speaks to the specific NPC
    ClickOn(Gatherer Lv70) // Clicks on the right menu, so that the Bot can then buy Aethersand
    ClickOn(Everdeep Aethersand, 10) //Moves the cursor to Everdeep Aethersand, sets the Value to 10 and buys

    Maybe ClickOn can be changed to Buy() for the second instance.

    ClickOn(Gatherer Lv70)
    Buy(Everdeep Aethersand, 10)

    That would be a HUGE QoL Feature!
    Its getting annoying making it with Key() and then, when you accidentally move the cursor over the window while the bot is pressing the keys, you’re out of luck and it destroys the scenario.


    Yes, vendor NPC interactions are already planned as additional functions for Scenario Engine.

    We will not promise to implement targeting NPC by name, because this would make scenarios incompatible between different game languages and create additional problems for Import / Export feature.
    But we’ll try to design a system which would be similar to the one you described and easy to use.

    We will be working on new scenario functions after we complete the core Combat system.
    Thank you for your request very much!

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