Tank role raiding

Forum Forums Discussion Tank role raiding

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  bottybot 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    Has anyone tried this in savage/extremes? Is it viable with things like shirk, tank swapping, saving CD’s for TB’s etc. Do any of you have macro work-arounds for this?


    The combat system of Miqobot is not competitive in endgame and never will be.
    At the moment we aim to reach 90% of optimal performance, but the cost of every additional improvement after that grows exponentially. We will continue working on them if there is enough demand.

    Please keep in mind, however, this is not the purpose of the Assist Mode.
    Miqobot can help you progress new encounters and show decent performance in highly repetitive content, but she will never be able to surpass a human player in the raiding environment.



    So basically if we are never raiding we can just leave it on all the time? lol


    Cooldowns should be handled on your own if you are doing savage/extreme level content and as a tank. Combat assist in Miqo doesn’t know which fight you’re on and doesn’t plan your abilities accordingly, it just looks at what you have at any said moment. To plan will require the human element. So if you know you will need a cooldown for a specific mechanic at a specific time you will need to hit it.



    Ok, thank you for your replies, I do understand about the assist mode not being as good as a human, but I have raided using various jobs very successfully by manipulating macros that work for specific fights, I actually got quite good at it. This has allowed me, because of a neurological condition, to still enjoy end-game content albeit with certain restrictions. I am very grateful to Miqobot’s combat assist as I believe it has allowed me to continue playing this game. These were not as ‘critical’ roles as tanks or healers though so I was just putting the feelers out there before I experiment myself.

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